How to Submit blogger website in Google search console

Google Search Console (GSC) is free webmaster tool which allows website owner's to optimize visibility, indexing, How to submit blogger website in..

What is Google Search Console?

How to Submit blogger website in Google search console

Google Search Console (GSC) is free webmaster tool which allows website owner's to optimize visibility, indexing, crawling page and fix issues in blogger website. As we know Google Search Console is google product and Google always launch best products. Until 2015 GSC is known as Google Webmaster tool but in 2018 google introduced new name i.e. Google Search Console(GSC). 

Advantages of Google Search Console

A common question comes in the mind of every webmaster that why should i submit my blogger website in Google search console, let me Explain you in following:

• Index and Crawling

Google search console helps to indexing your page and appears to search engine results. This is first step for ranking and getting traffic in your blogger website.

• Better Performance

It provides better performance to user who have visited your blogger website and reduces bounce rate.

• Fix Issues and Errors

Google search console inform troubleshoot issues in your blogger website such as AMP, Breadcrumbs, Mobile usability, Shema markup and other search features.

• More traffic 

It helps to get more organic traffic on the blogger website. Without submitting blogger site in search engine, the client will not discover our site which causes low traffic.

• Branding

Online branding is one of the most important factor that gives brand loyalty to consumer aspects of any business.The Google search console helps you a lot in branding yours business on the Internet and generate more sale though worldwide.

• Adsense Approval

A same thing comes in every blogger's mind that when will his blog rank on google and when he will start earning from blogging. The Adsense policy is very strict for bloggers and it is necessary for every blogger to index website in Google search console.

How to Submit blogger website in Google search console 

Step#1 Open blogger dashboard and go to Settings > Crawlers and index.

Step#2 Enable custom robot.txt. This Feature allows google bot to visit and crawl your website.

How to Submit blogger website in Google search console

- Write custom Robot.txt code

For Example; 

"User-agent: Mediapartners-Google


User-agent: *

Disallow: /search

Allow: /

Sitemap: YourWebsiteURL/sitemap.xml"

Step#3 Enable custom robots header tag. This command allows to index important pages in search engine.

How to Submit blogger website in Google search console

- Click on Home page tags and enable "all" and "noodp".

How to Submit blogger website in Google search console

- Click on Achive and search page tags and enable "noindex" and "noodp".

How to Submit blogger website in Google search console

- Click on  post and pages tags enable  "all" and "noodp".

How to Submit blogger website in Google search console

Step#4 Click on search console button - you will indirectly come in Google search console dashboard.

• Signin with current email id which is also used in blogger. After signin you will see new popup on screen "Select your Property".

Add your domain or subdomain which is linked with your blogger website.

How to Submit blogger website in Google search console

 Now!! Google search console automatically confirm your verification.

How to Submit blogger website in Google search console

Step#5 Now go to Google search console menu and click on SITEMAP button.

- Enter your sitemap url and click on  submit button. 

How to Submit blogger website in Google search console

After successfully submitting sitemap Google will index your website within week. After a week go to google searchbox and type "SITE:yoursiteURL" you will notice blogger website shows in search results.