How to Start a Blog for Free and Make Money in 2022

Today, we will discuss how to start a blog for free and make money in 2022. Blogging is still hugely profitable in 2022. Most blogger makes millions..
Today, we will discuss how to start a blog for free and make money in 2022.

how to start a blog for free and make money in 2022
blogging is still hugely profitable in 2022. Most blogger makes millions of dollars from their blog. 2022 is almost near and It is perfect time to start a blog. A few years back, a blog is considered as a hobby that only few people were doing in addition to their full-time jobs but now most of the people in our society has quit their jobs and started blogging as a full-time carrier.


Yes, there are many ways to earn money from a blog in 2022. Such as, placing ads between blog, affiliate marketing of products, Sponsored posts, products and services.
Remember one thing, It's not too late to start a blog in 2021. The success rate of a blog is about 60% to 70% worldwide rest of 30% to 40%  blogger fails because they think blogging is an easy and rich-quick method for earning. You need a lot of patience, investment of time and hard work before generating any revenue from a blog.


Step#1 Choose your blog Niche

Before starting up a blog career, firstly you will have to work on Niche making. What is Niche? It Means a specific topic where your blog content exists. It may be a health-related niche, Yoga and fitness niche, Technology related niche, and so on...

How to get a perfect niche?
• Consider your knowledge and skills 
Firstly you will make a list of topics in which you have more skills and knowledge other than the average person. 
• Consider your hobbies and passions 
Make a list of topics that are based on your special interests, hobbies and passion. 
• Consider profit 
Selecting topics from the first two steps, and analysing which topics is more profitable. For example; the topic on which you work is really good for monetization.

Step#2 Choose Blogging Platform

Various kinds of platforms offer free or paid services for publishing article. Such as Bloggers, WordPress, Wix, Tumblr etc.
But I highly recommend a blogger for beginners because it is very easy to operate and it also provides free tools like Web hosting, templates and free subdomain.
With Blogger, you can start blogging with zero investment. Everything you need is time and unique content. 

How to create an account in Blogger?

- Go to the blogger website dashboard and click on "CREATE NEW BLOG"
how to start a blog for free and make money in 2022
- Signup with a Google account
how to start a blog for free and make money in 2022
- Choose the name for your blog Tip: Related to Niche.
how to start a blog for free and make money in 2022
- Choose your blog URL and save it.
how to start a blog for free and make money in 2022
Hurrah!!! Your account is successfully created in blogger.
Now go to the menu > click on themes and choose your favourite template.
how to start a blog for free and make money in 2022

Step#3 Create pages

Before publishing a blog, your blog must have few pages like Contact us, about, disclaimer and privacy policy. These pages help visitors to understand your blog content.
How to create pages in a blog
how to start a blog for free and make money in 2022
Go to the menu of blogger > click on pages and add these pages to your blog.

Step#4 Create a unique post

Create unique and attractive content for your blog.
Content creator must remember these points before publishing a new post in blogger.
• Word limit should be more than 500 words. 
•  Content must be Unique.
• Keywords stuffing must be proper in blog URL, in the title of blog & in the first and second paragraph of a blog post.

Step#5 Grow Blog audience

There are various methods to increase traffic on your blog and easily rank on Google.
• Submit blog website in Google search console and Bing Webmaster tool.
• Share your blog posts on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.
• Write guest posts on various platforms such as Medium, Tumblr etc.
• Creating good Dofollow and Nofollow backlinks.
• Commenting on other blog posts.


Blog is best platform to earn money with little investment of time. If you wanna become a successful blogger, you need a lot of patience and hard work.
Today we have discussed" how to start a blog for free and make money in 2022".
I hope you will follow these steps and generate revenue from your blog.