C Programming Language: History, features, Applications and Working

C programming language is one of the popular, fastest growing and widely used programming language. History, features, applications, working and learn

Introduction to C Programming Language

It is not possible to imagine what our life would be like without a computer. At present time the use of programming language is very common. It is used in approx everything whether it is browsing the website or playing games on your device. All the mobile applications, websites, software games etc. we see are designed in with the help of any programming language. Today we will be discussing one of them that is 'C' programming language.

C Programming Language: History, features, Applications and Working

What is C Programming Language?

It is very simple, easy to learn and easy to understand C programming language. It is a evergreen programming language which is mainly used to develop applications, operating systems and many more complex programs. C is also considered as procedural and structured programming language. 
C programming language
is one of the popular, fastest growing and widely used programming language which provides base for many other programming languages. C programming language is defined as a machine dependent and multipurpose programming language. C programming language possess the features of both low level as well as high level programming language that is why it is considered as middle level programming language. 

In procedural programming language, there are specified steps for every program to solve a particular problem. And in structured programming language, programs are divided into small parts in order to make it easy to understand.

History of C programming language

There are various interesting facts related to the history of C programming language. So let's discuss about them. In 1972 the great computer scientist Dennis Ritchie introduced the C programming language. It was developed at Bell laboratories, AT&T which are present in USA. Dennis Ritchie is famously known as father of C programming language. B programming language is the predecessor of C programming language, she possesses the features of ALGOL, BCPL, and B programming languages. 

C programming language was introduced with various new features to overcome the issue of ALGOL, BCPL, and B programming languages. C programming language was mainly designed to develop Unix operating system. But at present time it is used to develop several other programs and applications. 

It is also known as "ANSI C" because in 1989, American National Standards Institute (ANSI) have laid down a a commercial standard for C programming language in order to keep C programming language as standard.

Features of C programming language

There are various feature of C programming language which makes it famous and most used programming language. So let's discuss about the main feature of C programming language which are as follows

1. Simple and easy to understand

C programming language is a simple procedural and structured programming language which divides a program into small parts to make it easier to modify, understand and learn. And it provides base for other programming languages. One can easily learn other programming languages easily after learning C programming language.

2. General purpose programming language 

General purpose programming language refers to a programming language which is used to develop different applications, operating systems, and complex programs, etc. C programming language is considered as general purpose or multi purpose programming language because programmers use C programming language in developing various applications, operating systems, databases and other complex programs such as windows, Linux, MS SQL server, PostgreSQL, and OXS, etc.

3. Fast

C programming language have less amount of overheads because it had very few number of inbuilt functions. And as a result C programming language makes the execution of programs easier and faster. C programming language is considered as a faster programming language in comparison of other programming languages because it is a statically typed language.

4. Rich inbuilt operators and libraries

C programming language provides a rich variety of libraries and inbuilt operators and many more features which have se programmer to develop complex and simplified C programs easily and quickly.

5. Mid level programming language

C programming language is considered as a middle level programming language because it was s features of both low level as well as high level programming language. C programming language is capable of performing functions of both high level and low level programming language.

6. Procedural programming language

Procedural programming language is that programming language in which there are specified steps for every program to solve a particular problem. C programming language is considered as a procedural programming language because it includes different programs to perform a particular task.

7. Extendable

Extendable means that a programmer can make addition in a particular program. C programming language is considered as extensible because a programmer can add various features and operations in a C program while writing it.

8. Portable

C programming language is also considered as portable or machine dependent language because with just few changes programs written in C programming can be easily run and executed in any operating system.

 9. Structured programming langua

In structured programming language, a particular program is divided into small parts in order to make it easy to understand and learn. C programming language is considered as structured programming language because it breaks a program into small parts in order to make it understandable, easy to read, learn and modify.

10. Implementation of pointers

C programming language also provides the facility of pointers which helps the developers to directly interact with memory. It is helpful in reducing the execution time of program. And also with the help of pointer feature, one can easily handles structures, arrays, functions and memory, etc.

Applications of C programming language

C programming language is a multi purpose programming language which is used in developing different applications, operating systems, database and other complex programs. So now let's discuss in detail about the applications of C programming language which are as follows

1. Operating system

C programming language was originally developed to write Unix operating system. A programmer can use C programming language to develop various types of operating systems. Unix Microsoft window and several Android applications are developed with the help of C programming language.

2. Embedded systems

C programming language is also used by the programmer in developing embedded systems. C programming language is one of the best choice to develop embedded systems. There are various embedded systems which are developed with the help of C programming language such as coffee maker and climate control system, etc.

3. Database programs

Developers also used C programming language in developing different types of database programs. There are various database softwares that are written in C programming language such as Oracle, MySQL, and PostgreSQL, etc.

4. Interpreters

With the help of C programming language, programmers can develop language interpreters which are used in translating high level language into machine language. There are various indicators designed with the help of C programming language such as MATLAB and Python interpreters.

5. Compilers

With the help of C programming language, developers can also create various compilers which are used to compile and convert the high level language into assembly language. There are various types of compiler that are designed with the help of C programming language such as Clang C, Dev-C and Apple C, etc.

6. GUI application

Graphical user interface is the full form of GUI. C programming language is also used by the programmers in developing different types of GUI applications. Some of the example of GUI applications which are developed with the help of C programming language are Adobe and illustrators, etc.

Working process of C programming language

C programming language is one of the fastest growing simple and compiled language. A Compiler compiles the program and translate it in machine language. Show the programmers use compiler to compile the programs written in C programming language and converts it into machine understandable language. And after that with the use of linker, programmers create a single file by combining different object files. Then this single file is executed to run the program.

Why Should be learn 'C' programming language

It is very important to learn the C language before learning any other programming language. The foundation of every programming language is placed on the 'C' language. It is a simple and fast performing Programming language. C language is used in developing many applications. Now let us tell you, why should we learn the 'C' Progrming language?

• C Language is a language that we can run easily on any other machines.

• This language is divided into small modules, due to which it is much easier to write, maintain and debug it.

• There are too many jobs available for the c developer in the computer industry.

• We can easily learn other programming languages after learning C programming language because it provides base for other programming languages.

• C programming language provides a vast platform to perform different types of operations.

• C programming language is a multi purpose programming language which can be used to develop different applications, operating systems and other programs.


Before learning any programming language one should know the basic concept of that particular programming language. So here in this article we have discussed about some basic concept related to C programming language. Through this article you will know about what is C programming language, its history, features, applications, working and why to learn C programming language. I hope this content will be useful to you.