Ruby Programming Language: History, features, Applications why learn?

Through this article you have learnt about what is Ruby programming language, what are its features, its history, applications and why should we learn

Introduction to Ruby Programming Language

Today we will learn about Ruby programming language. Through this you will know about what is Ruby programming language, its features, history, applications and why should we learn it.

Ruby Programming Language: History, features, Applications why learn?

What is Ruby programming language?

Ruby is a simple and easy side server scripting programming language. Ruby programming language is interpreted and it is open source programming language which means that it is available for free and anyone can use and modify it according to the requirements of their projects but you need licence to use Ruby programming language. Ruby programming language is reflective language which is used to write CGI scripts. 

It is a general purpose or multi purpose programming language which can be run on all platforms like Windows, Linux, and Unix, etc. Ruby programming language is also considered as a pure object oriented programming language as it supports different concepts of object oriented programming approach like class, inheritance, abstraction, polymorphism and encapsulation, etc. Ruby programming language provides a vast range of rich inbuilt library. Ruby programming language is used by programmers in developing different types of internet and intranet applications. 

The syntax of Ruby programming language is very clean and easy and it is similar to the syntax of many other programming languages like C++ and Perl, etc. Ruby programming language can be easily added with HTML. And it also provide the feature of automatic garbage collector.

History of Ruby programming language

There are many interesting facts related to the history of Ruby programming language. So let's discuss them in detail. Ruby programming language was designed in mid 1990s by Yukihiro Matsumoto. Yukihiro Matsumoto is the father of Ruby programming language and in Ruby community he is famously known as 'Matz'. Ruby programming language was initially introduced in 1995 and the first version of Ruby programming language was Ruby .95 which is released in 1995. 

Yukihiro Matsumoto wanted a fully Object oriented programming language which can be easily used as a scripting language. So, he designed Ruby programming language. In a chat session of Yukihiro Matsumoto and Keiju Ishitshuka two names were enlisted for the programming language that is "Coral" and "Ruby", later on Yukihiro Matsumoto selected the name "Ruby" because of the fact that the birthstone of one of his colleagues was Ruby.

Features of Ruby programming language

There are various features of Ruby programming language that makes it one of the most popular programming language. So let's discuss some important features of Ruby programming language

1. Object oriented programming

Ruby is considered as a pure object oriented programming language. It supports different concepts of object oriented programming approach like class, inheritance, abstraction, polymorphism and encapsulation, etc. The feature of object oriented programming approach makes maintenance and development easy.

2. Procedural programming

Ruby programming language is also supports the feature of procedural programming approach. In procedural programming there are specified steps for every program to solve a particular problem.

3. Rich inbuilt libraries

Ruby programming language provides a vast range of rich class inbuilt libraries with which programmers can develop any web application or program easily and quickly.

4. General purpose programming language

Ruby programming language is a general purpose or multi purpose programming language which means that it can be used by programmers in developing different types of applications and programs.

5. An open source programming language

Ruby programming language is a simple and an open source programming language which means that anyone can download Ruby programming language for free from its Official website. And you can also modify it according to your project requirements. But licence is required to use Ruby programming language.

6. Automatic garbage collector

Ruby programming language provides various type of rich inbuilt features and tools. Ruby programming language also provide the feature of automatic garbage collector.

7. Fast and flexible

Coding im Ruby programming language is very fast in comparison to other programming languages. And it is also a flexible programming language as it allows every user to modify its parts according to their requirements.

8. Platform independent programming language

Ruby programming languages is a platform independent or cross platform programming language which means that you can easily run Ruby programming language on any operating system like Windows, Linux, Unix, etc.

Some other features of Ruby programming language

• Ruby programming language supports the single inheritance and mixins feature.

• Ruby programming language also provides dynamic typing feature to its users.

• Ruby is a case sensitive programming language.

• Ruby has a great supportive and friendly community.

Why should we learn Ruby programming language or what are the advantages of learning Ruby programming language.

You must be wondering why should you learn Ruby programming language or what are the advantages of learning Ruby programming language. So let's discuss the main advantages of learning Ruby programming language.

• Ruby programming language is easy to learn multipurpose programming language.

• It provides the feature of automatic garbage collector.

• The syntax of Ruby programming language are similar to the syntax of other programming language like C++ and Perl.

• Ruby programming language supports multiple programming paradigm like functional, Procedural, Object oriented programming, etc.

• Ruby is a cross platform or platform independent programming language.

• Ruby programming language is used in some of the biggest websites worldwide like Airbnb, SlideShare, Square, Shopify, SoundCloud, etc.

• Ruby programming language has a very supportive and friendly community.

• with Ruby programming language you can develop both internet and intranet applications.

• Ruby is an open source programming language.

• Ruby programming language provides rich inbuilt library function.

• Ruby programming language can be easily connect to different database is like MySQL Oracle, etc.

Applications of Ruby programming language

Ruby programming language is a multi purpose programming language which is used by programmers in developing different types of applications and programs. So let's discuss in detail applications or users of Ruby programming language

1. Web applications

Ruby programming language is the easy and simple programming language which makes it a good choice for developing different web applications. And coding with Ruby programming language is very fast and it provides various reliable features.

2. E-commerce

Programmers also use Ruby programming language the development of e-commerce websites to improve users experience in site. Ruby programming language is used in different E-Commerce projects like Shopify,  Gumroad, etc.

3. Content management

Ruby programming language is also used by programmers in developing content centric websites as Ruby provides a vast range of rich inbuilt libraries with which you can easily develop a site in very less time.

4. Custom database solutions

Ruby programming languages is also used by developers in making custom database solutions. Ruby on rails (framework) used ActiveRecord for easy database management.


Above we have discussed about Ruby programming language. Through this article you have learnt about what is Ruby programming language, what are its features, its history, applications and why should we learn Ruby programming language. 

Ruby is a simple and easy to learn multi purpose programming language which is used by programmers in developing different types of applications and programs. Ruby programming language provide a wide range of inbuilt features and tools which makes the development of any website easy  and fast. I hope this information is useful to you all.