Ada Programming Language: history, features, applications, why learn?

Through this article, you have learnt the meaning of Ada programming language, its history, features, applications and why should we learn ada lang...

Introduction to Ada Programming Language

Today, we will discuss about the basics of Ada programming language. In this article, you will learn about what is Ada programming language, its history, features, applications and why should we learn it. So, let's start the article with the meaning of Ada programming language.

Ada Programming Language: history, features, applications, why learn?

What is Ada Programming Language?

Ada is an old, easy and fast high level programming language. Ada programming language is belongs to Pascal family, simply ada programming language is a successor of Pascal programming language. It is a free programming language and anyone can use it without any license. And Ada programming language was developed for Department of Defence. Ada programming language is a multi purpose or general purpose programming language which means that it can be used by programmers in developing a wide range of applications. Ada programming language also supports multi paradigm like imperative, functional and object oriented programming. Ada programming language follows all the concepts of object oriented programming approach like class, inheritance, abstraction, encapsulation, and polymorphism, etc. Ada programming language is a cross platform or platform independent programming language which means that it can be used in different operating systems like Windows, Linux, Unix, macOS, etc. Ada programming language also supports different typing disciplines like static, strong, safe and nominative. Apart from this, Ada programming language provides inbuilt support for Design by Contract (DbC). And Ada programming language also improves code safety and maintainability. Ada is a compiled programming language which means that Compiler is used to compile and convert the codes of Ada programming language into machine readable language. Programmers uses Ada programming language in developing different small and large programs and applications of embedded systems and real time systems.

History of Ada Programming Language

You must be wondering who developed Ada programming language or how Ada programming language got its name. The history of Ada programming language include various interesting facts. So, let's discuss the history of Ada programming language in detail.

The project of Ada programming language was started in the mid 1970s. Ada programming language was designed and developed by a team whose leader was Jean Ichbiah of Cll Honeywall Bull, he was a French Computer Scientist, for the Department of Defence ( DOD). Ada programming language was named after the "Augusta Ada King", who was Countless of Lovelace. The first version of Ada programming language was officially released in the year 1980 and the stable release of Ada programming language was Ada 2012 TCI, which was introduced in the year 2012.

Features of Ada Programming Language

Ada programming language includes various features which makes it one of the popular programming language of its time. So, let's discuss the main features of Ada programming language in detail.

1. High level

Ada is an old, easy and fast high level programming language.

2. Multi paradigm

Ada programming language also supports multi paradigm like imperative, functional and object oriented programming.

3. Free

Ada programming language is a free programming language and anyone can use it without any license.

4. Object oriented programming

Ada programming language follows all the concepts of object oriented programming approach like class, inheritance, abstraction, encapsulation, and polymorphism, etc.

5. General purpose

Ada programming language is a multi purpose or general purpose programming language which means that it can be used by programmers in developing a wide range of applications.

6. Typing disciplines

Ada programming language also supports different typing disciplines like static, strong, safe and nominative.

7. Compiled programming language

Ada is a compiled programming language which means that Compiler is used to compile and convert the codes of Ada programming language into machine readable language.

8. Design by Contract

Ada programming language provides inbuilt support for Design by Contract (DbC).

9. Code safety

Ada programming language also improves code safety and maintainability.

10. Cross platform

Ada programming language is a cross platform or platform independent programming language which means that it can be used in different operating systems like Windows, Linux, Unix, macOS, etc.

Applications of Ada Programming Language

We have discussed the features of Ada programming language and now let's discuss the applications of Ada programming language in detail.

Ada is an old, easy and fast high level programming language. Ada programming language is a free programming language and anyone can use it without any license. And Ada programming language was developed for Department of Defence. Ada programming language is a cross platform or platform independent programming language which means that it can be used in different operating systems like Windows, Linux, Unix, macOS, etc. Ada programming language is a multi purpose or general purpose programming language which means that it can be used by programmers in developing a wide range of applications. Programmers uses Ada programming language in developing different small and large programs and applications of embedded systems and real time systems. Ada programming language is used different areas such as Banking systems, Communication systems, Government, Commercial aviation, Manufacturing, Computer-aided design, etc.

Why should we learn Ada Programming Language or advantages of learning Ada programming language?

You all must be thinking why should you learn Ada programming language or what are the advantages of learning Ada programming language. So, now let's discuss in detail about the advantages of learning Ada programming language.

• Ada programming language is a safe and secure programming language.

• Programmers can different small and large programs by using Ada programming language.

• Ada is a fast high level Computer programming language.

• Ada programming language also provides the feature of concurrency.

• Ada programming language is an easy to learn programming language.

• Programmers can use Ada programming language in different operating systems.

• Ada programming language can also be used in developing applications of embedded systems.

• Ada programming language also improves code safety and maintainability.

• Ada programming language provides inbuilt support for Design by Contract (DbC).

• Ada programming language is a free programming language and anyone can use it without any license.


Above we have discussed about the basics of Ada programming language. Through this article, you have learnt the meaning of Ada programming language, its history, features, applications and why should we learn it or what are the advantages of learning Ada programming language. Ada is an old, easy and fast high level programming language. Ada programming language is belongs to Pascal family, simply ada programming language is a successor of Pascal programming language. Ada programming language was designed and developed by a team whose leader was Jean Ichbiah of Cll Honeywall Bull, he was a French Computer Scientist, for the Department of Defence ( DOD). Ada programming language is a multi purpose or general purpose programming language, Programmers uses Ada programming language in developing different small and large programs and applications of embedded systems and real time systems. I hope this information related to Ada programming language is helpful to you all.