Objective-C programming language: History, Features and Applications

Through this article you have learnt about the meaning of Objective C programming language, its features, history, applications and why should learn..

Introduction to Objective C programming language

Today, we will discuss about the Objective C programming language. Through this article you will learn about meaning of Objective C programming language, its features, history, applications and why should we learn it. So, let's start today's article with the meaning of Objective C programming language.

Objective-C programming language: History, Features and Applications

What is Objective C programming language?

Objective C is a traditional programming language from C family. Objective C programming language is a multi or general purpose programming language which was maily used by the Apple for developing applications of macOS, iOS, etc. Objective C was the most used programming language at Apple before the Swift programming language. Objective C programming language was originally designed and developed to make programs more fast and efficient. 

Objective C is a flexible programming language which supports different type disciplines like static, dynamic and weak. Objective C works with Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks of the Apple. Objective C programming language is used in developing various types of iPhone application and programs. Objective C is a pure object oriented programming language which supports all concepts of object oriented programming approach like class, inheritance, abstraction, polymorphism, encapsulation and data hiding, etc. Objective C programming language is a cross platform or platform independent programming language which means that programmer can use it in multiple operating systems. 

The idea of developing Objective C programming language was taken from Smalltalk and C programming language. The developers want to build a language similar to C programming language with pure object oriented programming features. Objective C programming language also provides the feature of strong memory management.

History of Objective C programming language

You all must be curious about the origin of Objective C programming language and wondering from where Objective C got its name. Don't worry all answers are here. There are various intersting facts related to the history of Objective C programming language. So, let's discuss in detail about the history of Objective C programming language. 

The development of Objective C programming language was started in the early 1980s and it was officially released in 1984. Tom Love and Brad Cox designed and developed the Objective C programming language at there company which is Productivity Products International. Tom Love and Brad Cox are known as the fathers of Objective C programming language. The developers wanted to develop a programming language similar to C programming language with pure object oriented programming. Objective C programming language was designed to make programs more fast and efficient. The latest version of Objective C programming language was 2.0 which was released in 19 Jun, 2011.

Features of Objective C programming language

There are various features of Objective C programming language which makes it the most used programming language at Apple Inc. before Swift programming language. So, let's discuss the main features of Objective C programming language.

1. General purpose

Objective C programming language is a general purpose or multi purpose programming language which means it can be used by programmers in developing different types of applications and programs.

2. Object oriented programming

Objective C programming language is a pure object oriented programming language. It supports all the concepts of object oriented programming approach like class, inheritance, abstraction, polymorphism, encapsulation and data hiding, etc.

3. Fast programs

Objective C programming language was originally designed to make program more fast and efficient.

4. Type disciplines

Objective C programming language supports different type disciplines like static, dynamic and weak.

5. Cross platform

Objective C programming language was a platform independent or cross platform programming language which means that it can be used in different operating systems.

6. Memory management

Objective C programming language provides the feature of strong memory management.

7. Garbage collector

Objective C programming language also provides the feature of automatic garbage collector.

Applications of Objective C programming language

Objective C programming language was a traditional programming language which was influenced by the Smalltalk and C programming language. Objective C programming language was originally designed and developed to make programs more fast and efficient. After its origin, Objective C programming language was the most used programming language at Apple before the Swift programming language. 

Objective C programming language works with the Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks of Apple. Objective C programming language is a multi or general purpose programming language which means it is used by the programmers to develop different types of applications and programs. Before the origin of Swift programming language, Apple Inc. used Objective C in developing most of the applications for iOS, macOS, etc.

Why should we learn Objective C programming language or Advantages of Objective C programming language

You all are must be wondering why should we learn Objective C programming language or what are the advantages of learning Objective C programming language. Don't worry all answers for your queries are here. So let's discuss about the advantages of learning Objective C programming language.

• Objective C is a flexible traditional programming language.

• Objective C is considered as a pure object oriented programming language.

• Programmers can use Objective C programming language for developing different types of applications and programs.

• Objective C programming language can be used on different operating systems.

• Objective C programming language makes the program more fast and efficient.

• Objective C programming language shows more compatibility with C++ programming language.

• It also supports the feature of automatic garbage collector.

• Objective C is a stable programming language.


Above we have discussed about the Objective C programming language. Through this article you have learnt about the meaning of Objective C programming language, its features, history, applications and why should we learn it or what are the advantages of learning Objective C programming language. Objective C is a flexible traditional programming language which was developed to make programs more fast and efficient. 

The idea of developing Objective C programming language was taken from Smalltalk and C programming language. Objective C programming language was officially introduced in 1984. Objective C is a multi purpose programming language which means it can be used by programmers in developing different types of applications and programs. I hope this information will be helpful to you all.