Rust Programming Language: history, features, applications, why learn?

Through this article you have learnt about the meaning of Rust programming language, its history, features, applications and why should we learn rust.

Introduction to Rust Programming Language

Today we will discuss about the basics of Rust Programming Language. In this article you will learn about what is Rust programming language, what are its features, history, applications and why should we learn it. So, let's start with the meaning of Rust Programming Language.

What is Rust Programming Language?

Rust is one of the fastest growing programming language which was mainly designed for safe concurrency, better performance and safety. According to Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2016 , Rust programming language was titled as "the most loved programming language". Rust programming language supports different typing disciplines like Affine, inferred, nominal, static and strong. Rust programming is also a multi paradigm programming language which supports different programming approaches like concurrent, imperative, functional, structured and generic. 

Rust programming language is an open source programming language and it was licensed under MIT or Apache 2.0 license. Programmers can easily download and use it for their projects from its official website for free. Rust provides the feature of internal memory management and the syntax of Rust Programming Language are similar to C programming language. Rust programming language can be used in different platforms like ARM, MIPS, PowerPC, SPARC, RISC-V, Webassembly, and in different operating systems like Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, iOS, etc. 

Programmers can use Rust programming language in developing different types of software applications like operating systems, game engine, browser components, file systems, etc. And there are many companies which have adopted Rust programming language like Microsoft, Facebook and Drop Box, etc.

History of Rust Programming Language

You all must be wondering who designed Rust programming language or how Rust programming language got its name. There are various interesting facts related to the origin of Rust Programming Language. So, let's discuss in detail about the history of Rust Programming Language. The development of Rust programming language was started in 2006 and it was officially introduced in 2010. Graydon Hoare, a programmer of Mozilla Research, designed and developed the Rust programming language with the help of many other programmers. 

The Developer named Rust programming language after the name of Rust which is a type of fungus. Rust programming language is an open source programming language which was licensed under MIT or Apache 2.0 license. The first version of Rust programming language was officially released in 7 July 2010. And the latest version of Rust Programming Language was version 1.52.1 which was released on 10 May 2021.

Features of Rust Programming Language

There are various features of Rust programming language which makes it one of the fastest growing and most loved programming language. So, let's discuss in detail about the key features of Rust programming language.

1. Safe and fast

Rust programming language is mainly focuses on speed and safety of codes.

2. Typing disciplines

Rust programming language supports different typing disciplines like static, strong, nominal, inferred and Affine.

3. Platform

Rust programming language can be run on different platforms like ARM, MIPS, PowerPC, SPARC, RISC-V, Webassembly, and in different operating systems like Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, iOS, etc.

4. Multi paradigm

Rust programming language support multi paradigm like imperative, functional, structured, generic and concurrent.

5. Memory management

Rust programming language provides the feature of internal memory management.

6. Applications

Rust programming language can be used by developers in developing different types of software applications like operating systems, game engine, browser components, etc.

7. Abstraction

In order to increase the readability and quality of codes, we can add abstraction in Rust programming language.

8. Open source

Rust programming language is an open source programming language which was licensed under MIT or Apache 2.0 license.

9. Pattern matching

Rust Programming Language also provides the feature of pattern matching to its users.

Applications of Rust programming language 

After discussing the main features of Rust programming language we will discuss in detail about the applications of Rust programming language. So, let's start! Rust programming language is a pure functional programming language which was designed and developed by Graydon Hoare in 2010 at Mozilla Research. Rust programming language can be run on different platforms like ARM, MIPS, PowerPC, SPARC, RISC-V, Webassembly, and in different operating systems like Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, iOS, etc. 

Programmers can use Rust programming language in developing different types of software applications like operating systems, game engine, browser components, file systems, etc. And there are many companies which have adopted Rust programming language like Microsoft, Facebook and Drop Box, etc. The famous projects in which Rust programming language was used are Redox, Ruffle, Servo, Lighthouse, Amethyst, Bevy, etc.

Why should we learn Rust programming language or what are the advantages of Rust programming language?

You all must be wondering why should we learn Rust programming language or what are the advantages of learning Rust programming language. So, here is the answer. Now, after discussing the applications of Rust programming language we will discuss about the advantages of learning Rust programming language.

• Rust programming language is a safe concurrent programming language.

• Rust programming language can be used in developing different software applications like operating systems, game engine, browser components, file systems, etc.

• Rust programming language mainly focuses on speed and better performance.

• Rust programming language is one of the fastest growing and most loved programming language.

• Rust programming language is also a safe programming language.

• Rust programming language provides the feature of internal memory management.

• Rust programming language is also used by the programmers to develop powerful web applications.

• You can easily learn Rust programming language as the syntax of Rust programming language are similar to C programming language.

• Rust programming language provides higher code safety in comparison to other programming languages.

• Rust programming language can be run on different operating systems like Windows, Linux, Android, iOS, etc.


Above we have discussed about the basics of Rust programming language. Through this article you have learnt about the meaning of Rust programming language, its history, features, applications and why should we learn Rust programming language or what are the advantages of learning Rust programming language. Rust programming language is a pure functional programming language which was designed and developed by Graydon Hoare in 2010 at Mozilla Research. 

Rust programming language is a safe, concurrent and practical programming language which supports different types of typing disciplines like static, strong, nominal, inferred and Affine. Rust programming language can be used by programmers in developing different software applications like game engine, operating systems, file systems, browser compounds, etc. I hope this information related to Rust programming language will be useful to you all.