TypeScript Programming Language: history, features and applications

Through this article you have learnt about what is TypeScript Programming Language, what are its features, history, applications and why should learn.

Introduction to TypeScript Programming Language

Today, we will discuss about the basics of TypeScript programming language. In this article, you will know about what is TypeScript programming language, what are its features, history, applications and why should we learn it. So, let's start the topic with what is TypeScript programming language.

TypeScript Programming Language

What is TypeScript Programming Language?

TypeScript programming language is a superset of JavaScript programming language or in simple words TypeScript programming language is an extended JavaScript with added features. TypeScript programming language is considered as both Computer programming language and set of tools. It is a simple, easy to learn and fast programming language. TypeScript programming language is an open source programming language since its origin which means that anyone can download and use it for free from its official website and it was licensed under Apache 2.0 license. 

TypeScript programming language supports multi paradigm like imperative, functional, generic and object oriented. TypeScript programming language is considered as object oriented programming language as it follows all the concepts of object oriented programming approach like class, inheritance, abstraction, polymorphism and encapsulation, etc. TypeScript programming language is portable programming language which is designed to develop large JavaScript applications and transpiler to JavaScript programming language. 

TypeScript programming language is also used to develop both client server and side server applications of JavaScript programming language. TypeScript programming language is a complied programming language whose codes are complied into plain JavaScript programming language. Along with this, TypeScript programming language supports different typing disciplines like duck, gradual and structural. TypeScript programming language also supports the feature of error checking during compilation. And apart from this, TypeScript programming language also supports different libraries and elements of JavaScript programming language. The idea of developing TypeScript programming language was taken from many other programming languages like Java, JavaScript and C#.

History of TypeScript Programming Language

You must be wondering who developed TypeScript programming language or in which year the first version of TypeScript is introduced. There are various interesting facts related to the history of TypeScript programming language. So, let's discuss the history of TypeScript programming language in detail.

TypeScript programming language was designed and developed by Anders Hejlsberg at Microsoft in the year 2012. TypeScript programming language is now maintained by Microsoft. The first version of TypeScript programming language i.e. version 0.8 was publically introduced in October, 2012. And the lastest version of TypeScript programming language i.e. version 4.2.4 was officially released on 9 April 2021. TypeScript programming language is an extended version of JavaScript programming language with some added features. TypeScript programming language is an open source programming language since its origin and it was licensed under Apache 2.0 license.

Features of TypeScript Programming Language

TypeScript programming language programming language includes various features which makes it one of the most used programming language. So, let's discuss in detail the main features of TypeScript programming language.

1. Open source

TypeScript programming language is an open source programming language since its origin which means that anyone can download and use it for free from its official website.

2. Multi paradigm

TypeScript programming language supports multi paradigm like imperative, functional, generic and object oriented.

3. Typing disciplines

TypeScript programming language supports different typing disciplines like duck, gradual and structural. 

4. Object oriented programming

TypeScript programming language is considered as object oriented programming language as it follows all the concepts of object oriented programming approach like class, inheritance, abstraction, polymorphism and encapsulation, etc.

5. Compiled programming language

TypeScript programming language is a complied programming language whose codes are complied into plain JavaScript programming language.

6. JavaScript libraries

TypeScript programming language also supports different libraries and elements of JavaScript programming language.

7. Error checking feature

TypeScript programming language also supports the feature of error checking during compilation.

8. Runtime of JavaScript

TypeScript programming language is also used to preserves the runtime of JavaScript programming language.

9. Client server and side server applications

TypeScript programming language is also used to develop both client server and side server applications of JavaScript programming language.

10. Programming language and Set of tools

TypeScript programming language is considered as both Computer programming language and set of tools.

Applications of TypeScript Programming Language

We have discussed the main features of TypeScript programming language and now let's discuss the main applications of TypeScript programming language.

TypeScript programming language is a superset of JavaScript programming language or in simple words TypeScript programming language is an extended JavaScript with added features. TypeScript programming language is portable programming language which is designed to develop large JavaScript applications and transpiler to JavaScript programming language. TypeScript programming language is also used to develop both client server and side server applications of JavaScript programming language. And popular frameworks of TypeScript programming language are Angular, Bootstrap, Meteor, jQuery, Wakanda, etc. TypeScript is a popular programming language which is used by many companies like slack, medium.com, Vox media, Stack, Bitpanda, Client Platform and Accenture, etc.

Why should we learn TypeScript Programming Language?

You all must be wondering why should we learn TypeScript programming language or what are the advantages of learning TypeScript programming language. So, let's discuss in detail about the main advantages of learning TypeScript programming language.

• TypeScript programming language is a simple and easy to learn programming language.

• TypeScript is a fast programming language in comparison to other programming languages.

• TypeScript language is considered as both computer programming language and set of tools.

• TypeScript programming language supports different libraries and elements of JavaScript programming language.

• TypeScript programming language is a Dynamic programming language.

• TypeScript is a portable programming language.

• TypeScript programming language also supports the feature of error checking during compilation.

• TypeScript programming language is also used to preserves the runtime of JavaScript programming language.

• TypeScript programming language is designed to develop large JavaScript applications and transpiler to JavaScript.

• TypeScript programming language is an open source programming language since its origin.


Above we have discussed about TypeScript programming language. Through this article you have learnt about what is TypeScript Programming Language, what are its features, history, applications and why should we learn it. TypeScript programming language was designed and developed by Anders Hejlsberg at Microsoft in the year 2012. TypeScript programming language is a superset of JavaScript programming language or in simple words TypeScript programming language is an extended JavaScript with added features. TypeScript programming language also supports the feature of error checking during compilation. And apart from this, TypeScript programming language also supports different libraries and elements of JavaScript programming language. TypeScript programming language is portable programming language which is designed to develop large JavaScript applications and transpiler to JavaScript. I hope this information related to TypeScript programming language is useful to you all.