Understanding Hello World Program in c Programming Language

Here, we have discussed the tutorial for how to write Hello World program in C programming language. C is one of the top programming languages...
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Hey guys! Are you searching tutorial for how to write Hello World Program in C. If yes, then you have come to the right place as here, we will discuss about how to write Hello World Program in c Programming Language.

Understanding Hello World Program in c Programming Language

Hello World program is a program which is performed by approximately every new learner of a programming language. So, let’s start learning C hello world program but before that let’s take an overview of C programming language;

What is C?

C is one of the top programming languages of today’s world. C programming language is a very simple and easy to learn programming language which is mainly used for developing operating systems, web applications, and many more complex programs. C programming language is a fast general purpose programming language which comes with rich inbuild library and operators. C programming language is considered as a middle level programming language as it possesses that function of both high level as well as low level programming language.

Hello World Program in c Programming language

Now, let’s start our tutorial for how to write C Hello World program. here we will try to perform our first program which is to print “Hello World” in C programming language. In order to execute this program, you just have to paste this following code;

 #include <stdio.h>

int main() {

   // printf() displays the string inside quotation

   printf("Hello World!!");

   return 0;


You will get the following output;

Hello World!!

If you got the exact output than congratulations, you have performed the program in C programming language successfully.

Now, let’s find out how this C Hello World program works;

How C Hello World program works?

These are the different parts of C Hello World program;

Here, #include is an standard input and output function that used as preprocessor command and is used to tell the compiler to include stdio.h file’s contents in the program. stdio.h include printf() and scanf() functions and here, we are using printf().

Here, main() is the name of the function and int represents the return type of this function. From the main() function the execution of a C program starts. 

Here, printf() is the function and it displays the content i.e., “Hello World” ( written within the double quotes).

The return 0; represents the exit status or ending of the program  


Above we have discussed the tutorial for how to write Hello World program in C programming language. C is one of the top programming languages of today’s world. C programming language is a very simple and easy to learn programming language which is mainly used for developing operating systems, web applications, and many more complex programs. Hello World program is a program which is performed by approximately every new learner of a programming language. By following the above-mentioned guide anyone can easily be able to write C Hello World program.