What is HTML - Meaning, History, Features and Applications

Here, we have discussed about HTML. We have learnt what is html, elements of html, history of html, features of html, applications of html and why...

Introduction to HTML

In this era of technology, most of the human work has become dependent on the computer. Many such programming languages ​​are used in the computer world, with the help of that we can do our work more easily. These languages are written by humans and understood by computers. HTML is also one of those programming languages.

In this article, you will learn what is html, history of html, features of html, applications of html and why we should learn html. So without wasting any time let's dive in!!

What is HTML?

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is combination of hypertext and markup language where hypertext defined as the text within text (these text contains link between the web pages) and Markup language defined as computer language that uses keywords, tags to define elements within a document. HTML is also called standard markup language . HTML(Hypertext markup language) is commonly used to create structures of Web pages and web applications. HTML consists of series of elements and these elements are the building blocks of HTML pages which tells (command) the browser how to display the content. 

HTML Page Structure

The basic structure of html is displayed below;

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>Page Title</title>



<h1>My First Heading</h1>

<p>My first paragraph.</p>



The basic structure of an HTML document consists of 5 elements(tags) that is; doctype declaration, HTML, head, title, and body elements. Now let's discuss these elements with depth;

1. : It is a document type declaration that instructs about which html version is it to the browser.

2. : This is the HTML root element which contains all the elements of HTML. It tells the browser that it is html document.

3. : This is the second element after <html> element and it includes metadata. In simple words we can say that <head> element contains all behind the scene elements i.e., those elements which can't be visible in front end.

4. : In order to add title to the HTML page, <title> element is used. This title can be seen on the top of the browser window.

5. : This element of html includes the content of the page that will be visible in the front-end.

History of HTML 

HTML programming language was developed by Tim Berners Lee who was a contractor at CERN. Tim Berners Lee is known as the Father of HTML. The first version of HTML was released in the year 1991 i.e., and the latest version of HTML is HTML5 which was announced in the 2008.

Now, let's know about the versions of HTML;

HTML 1.0

This was the first version of html which was related in the year 1991.

HTML 2.0

This version is the next version which was released in the year 1995 which supports some additional features.

HTML 3.2

This is the third version of html which was released in the year 1997. It supports supports the webpage with much complex mathematical computations.

HTML 4.01

The fourth version of html is HTML 4.01 which was released in the year 1999.


This is the latest version of html which was released in the year 2008 and it is still under development.

Features of HTML

There are various features provided by HTML. So, let's learn about these features;

• HTML is a simple and understandable language which can be easily modified. 

• HTML is a cross platform or platform independent programming language.

• HTML is a general purpose programming language.

• HTML is a flexible markup language which can be useful in designing web pages.

• HTML comes with lots of formatting tags with which we can create an effective presentation.

• HTML allows us to add images, videos and sound to the webpages.

• HTML also allows the programmers to add link in the webpages.

Applications of HTML

We have discussed the features of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). Now, let's talk about the applications of HTML;

HTML is an easy to implement markup language. HTML is used by the programmers to manipulate images, text and other contents in the browser in order to show it in the format required. HTML can be run on different operating system as it is a platform independent programming language. HTML is a general purpose programming language. HTML is useful in creating websites and webpages. HTML also allows us to add images, videos and sound to the webpages.

Why should we learn HTML?

You all must be wondering why should we learn HTML or what are the advantages of learning HTML. So, now let's talk about why we should learn html;

• HTML is an easy to use and easy to modify markup language.

• HTML can be run on different operating system as it is a platform independent programming language.

• HTML is an easy to implement markup language.

• HTML also helps the programmers in boosting their professional careers.

• HTML is useful in creating websites and webpages.

• With HTML we can easily develop the fundamentals for web programming.


Above we have discussed about HTML. We have learnt what is html, elements of html, history of html, features of html, applications of html and why we should learn html. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. It is combination of hypertext and markup language where hypertext defined as the text within text (these text contains link between the web pages).