Python RegEx

Mastering Python RegEx is an invaluable skill for efficient text processing. This guide equips you with the knowledge to navigate the intricacies.....

Python Regular Expressions (RegEx) module, , empowers developers to perform complex string manipulations and pattern matching. 

Python RegEx

In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the fundamentals and explore practical examples to unlock the full potential of Python RegEx.

Understanding RegEx module in Python 

Regular expressions (RegEx) in Python are a powerful and expressive tool for working with text patterns. A regular expression is a sequence of characters that defines a search pattern. This pattern can be used for various string manipulation tasks, such as searching, matching, and replacing substrings in text.

In Python, the module provides functions and methods for working with regular expressions.

Basic Usage:

Let's walk through a simple example of using regular expressions (RegEx) in Python to extract phone numbers from a text. In this example, we'll create a pattern to match common U.S. phone number formats.

import re
# Sample text containing phone numbers
text = """
John's phone numbers:
Mobile: 555-123-4567
Home: (555) 987-6543
Work: 555.876.5432
# Define a RegEx pattern for matching phone numbers
phone_number_pattern = re.compile(r'(\d{3})[-.\s]?(\d{3})[-.\s]?(\d{4})')
# Use re.findall() to find all occurrences of the pattern in the text
phone_numbers = phone_number_pattern.findall(text)
# Display the results
if phone_numbers:
    print("Phone numbers found:")
    for match in phone_numbers:
        formatted_number = '-'.join(match)
    print("No phone numbers found.")

Explanation of the code:

  1. Import Module: Import the module, which provides functions for working with regular expressions.
  2. Define Sample Text: Create a multiline string containing various phone number formats.
  3. Define RegEx Pattern: Create a regular expression pattern using groups to capture the area code, prefix, and line number. The pattern allows for various separators between the digits.
  4. Use : Apply the function to find all occurrences of the pattern in the sample text.
  5. Display Results: If phone numbers are found, format and print them. If none are found, print a message indicating that no phone numbers were found.

When you run this code with the provided sample text, it will output:

Phone numbers found:

In this example, the RegEx pattern is used to match phone numbers in formats like , , or . The pattern uses to match digits, to match optional separators like hyphen, period, or space, and ,, to match the area code, prefix, and line number, respectively.

You can modify the pattern based on the specific phone number formats you are dealing with. Regular expressions provide a powerful and flexible way to work with textual patterns in Python.


Metacharacters in Python RegEx have special meanings and are used to construct search patterns. Here are some commonly used metacharacters and their meanings:

Metacharacter Description
. Matches any single character except a newline (\n).
^ Anchors the match at the beginning of the string.
$ Anchors the match at the end of the string.
* Matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding character or group.
+ Matches one or more occurrences of the preceding character or group.
? Matches zero or one occurrence of the preceding character or group.
[] Defines a character class, matches any one of the characters inside the brackets.
| Acts like a logical OR, matches either the pattern on the left or the pattern on the right.
() Creates a group, captures and remembers matched text.
\ Escapes a metacharacter, allowing you to match it as a literal character.

Let's discuss each of the metacharacters in Python RegEx in more detail:

1. - Dot

In Python regular expressions, the dot metacharacter has a special meaning. It matches any single character except a newline . Here's how you can use the dot metacharacter in Python:

import re
# Define a pattern containing a dot metacharacter
pattern = r'he.t'  # This pattern matches "he" followed by any single character and then "t"
# Text to search
text = "hello world, hey there, help me out"
# Use to find the pattern in the text
match =, text)
# Check if a match is found
if match:
    print("Match found:",  
    print("No match found")
In this example, the pattern contains the dot metacharacter, which matches any single character except a newline . So, it will match strings like "hey t," "helto," "he3t," etc., where any single character can appear between "he" and "t." However, it won't match strings like "he t" (where there is a space between "he" and "t") because the dot metacharacter does not match newline characters.

Keep in mind that if you want the dot metacharacter to match newline characters as well, you can use the flag or include newline characters explicitly in your pattern.

2. - Caret

In Python regular expressions, the caret metacharacter is used to anchor the pattern to the beginning of a line. It signifies that the pattern following the caret must occur at the beginning of a string or line. 

Here's how the caret metacharacter is used in Python:

  • Beginning of a String: When the caret is used at the beginning of a regular expression pattern, it signifies that the pattern must match at the beginning of the input string.

import re
   # Define pattern
   pattern = r'^Hello'
   # Text to search
   text = "Hello, World! Welcome to Python."
   # Search for pattern
   match =, text)
   if match:
       print("Pattern found at the beginning of the string:",  # Output: "Hello"
       print("Pattern not found")

  • Beginning of a Line: When the caret is used inside square brackets as the first character, it negates the character class, matching any character except those listed.

 import re
   # Define pattern
   pattern = r'^[A-Z]'
   # Text with multiple lines
   text = """Line 1: This is a sentence.
   Line 2: This is another sentence.
   Line 3: And yet another one."""
   # Search for pattern in each line
   matches = re.findall(pattern, text, flags=re.MULTILINE)
   print("Patterns found at the beginning of each line:")
   for match in matches:

In the second example, flag is used to treat the text as multiple lines. The pattern matches any uppercase letter at the beginning of a line.

The caret metacharacter is powerful for asserting the position of patterns at the beginning of strings or lines in Python regular expressions.

3. - Dollar

The dollar sign metacharacter in Python RegEx is used to anchor a pattern at the end of a string. It signifies that the pattern preceding it must appear at the end of the string.

Here's a brief explanation and an example of using the dollar sign metacharacter in Python:

import re
# Define a pattern using dollar sign
pattern = r'World$'
# Text to search
text = "Hello, World! Welcome to Python World."
# Use to find the pattern at the end of the text
match =, text)
# Check if a match is found
if match:
    print("Match found:",  # Output: "World"
    print("No match found")

In this example, the pattern is looking for the string "World" at the end of the text. If the text ends with "World," a match is found. If there's no match at the end, the function will return .

It's important to note that the dollar sign metacharacter anchors the match at the end of the string. If you want to match a literal dollar sign character, you need to escape it using a backslash . For example, to match the string "Price: $100," you would use the pattern .

4. - Asterisk

In Python regular expressions, the asterisk metacharacter is used to match zero or more occurrences of the preceding character or group. It means that the preceding character or group can occur zero or more times. 

Here's an example of using the asterisk metacharacter in Python for matching zero or more occurrences of the preceding character or group:

import re
# Define a pattern using asterisk
pattern = r'go*gle'
# Text to search
text = "google goooogle gogle ggle goglee"
# Use re.findall() to find all occurrences of the pattern
matches = re.findall(pattern, text)
# Display the matches
print("Matches:", matches)

In this example, the pattern is looking for the string "google" where the character "o" can occur zero or more times between "g" and "gle." The function returns a list of all occurrences of the pattern in the text.

When you run this code with the provided sample text, it will output:

Matches: ['google', 'goooogle', 'gogle']

The asterisk metacharacter is useful when you want to match patterns with varying occurrences of a specific character or group in a flexible way.

5. - Plus

In Python regular expressions, the plus sign is a metacharacter that matches one or more occurrences of the preceding character or group. It signifies that the preceding element must appear at least once in the string. Here's an example demonstrating the use of the plus metacharacter in Python:

import re
# Define a pattern using plus sign
pattern = r'go+gle'
# Text to search
text = "google goooogle gogle ggle goglee"
# Use re.findall() to find all occurrences of the pattern
matches = re.findall(pattern, text)
# Display the matches
print("Matches:", matches)

In this example, the pattern is looking for the string "google" where the character "o" must occur at least once between "g" and "gle." The function returns a list of all occurrences of the pattern in the text.

When you run this code with the provided sample text, it will output:

Matches: ['google', 'goooogle']

The plus metacharacter is useful when you want to ensure that the preceding character or group appears at least once in the text. If the character or group is optional (i.e., it can occur zero or more times), you might use the asterisk instead.

6. - Question Mark

In Python regular expressions, the question mark is a metacharacter that indicates that the preceding character or group is optional, meaning it can occur zero or one time. Here's an example demonstrating the use of the question mark metacharacter in Python:

import re
# Define a pattern using question mark
pattern = r'colou?r'
# Text to search
text = "color and colour are both correct spellings"
# Use re.findall() to find all occurrences of the pattern
matches = re.findall(pattern, text)
# Display the matches
print("Matches:", matches)

In this example, the pattern is looking for the string "color" or "colour." The metacharacter indicates that the "u" is optional, allowing for both American and British English spellings. The function returns a list of all occurrences of the pattern in the text.

When you run this code with the provided sample text, it will output:

Matches: ['color', 'colour']

The question mark metacharacter is useful when you want to specify that a particular character or group is optional, and it can occur either zero or one time in the text.

7. - Square Brackets

Square brackets in Python RegEx are used to define a character class, which matches any single character within the brackets. They allow you to specify a set of characters that you want to match.

Here's an example demonstrating the use of square brackets in Python regular expressions:

import re
# Define a pattern using square brackets
pattern = r'[aeiou]'
# Text to search
text = "Hello World!"
# Use re.findall() to find all occurrences of vowels
matches = re.findall(pattern, text)
# Display the matches
print("Matches:", matches)

When you run this code with the provided sample text, it will output:

Matches: ['e', 'o', 'o']

In this example, the regular expression pattern is a character class that matches any single vowel character (a, e, i, o, or u). The function searches for all non-overlapping occurrences of the pattern in the given text. In the provided text "Hello World!", the vowels , , and are found, and they are stored in the list assigned to the variable . The final statement displays the list of matches.

8. - Pipe

The pipe metacharacter in Python regular expressions is used as a logical operator. It allows you to specify multiple alternative patterns, and the regular expression will match any of them. Here's an example demonstrating the use of the pipe metacharacter in Python:

import re
# Define a pattern using the pipe metacharacter
pattern = r'cat|dog'
# Text to search
text = "I have a cat and a dog at home."
# Use re.findall() to find all occurrences of the pattern
matches = re.findall(pattern, text)
# Display the matches
print("Matches:", matches)

When you run this code with the provided sample text, it will output:

Matches: ['cat', 'dog']

You can extend the pattern with additional alternatives using the pipe metacharacter to match any of the specified alternatives.

9. - Parentheses

In Python regular expressions, the parentheses serve two main purposes: grouping and capturing. Here's an example demonstrating the use of parentheses in both contexts:

import re
# Define a pattern using parentheses for grouping and capturing
pattern = r'(\d{2})-(\d{2})-(\d{4})'
# Text to search
text = "Date of birth: 12-31-1990, Anniversary: 05-15-2005"
# Use re.findall() to find all occurrences of the pattern
matches = re.findall(pattern, text)
# Display the matches
print("Matches:", matches)

When you run this code with the provided sample text, it will output:

Matches: [('12', '31', '1990'), ('05', '15', '2005')]

Using parentheses for grouping and capturing is useful for extracting specific portions of the matched text. The captured groups can be accessed using methods like or accessed directly in the resulting match tuple.

10. - Backslash

In Python RegEx, the backslash is used as an escape character, allowing you to use metacharacters as literal characters and introducing special sequences. 

import re
# Define a pattern with a metacharacter
pattern = r'\d+'
# Text to search
text = "The price is $100."
# Use re.findall() to find all occurrences of digits
matches = re.findall(pattern, text)
# Display the matches
print("Matches:", matches)

When you run this code with the provided sample text, it will output:

Matches: ['100']

The backslash is a versatile metacharacter in regular expressions, providing a way to include metacharacters as literals and introducing special sequences for various purposes.

Understanding these metacharacters is crucial for crafting effective regular expressions in Python. They allow you to define flexible patterns for searching, matching, and manipulating text data. Each metacharacter has specific behavior, and combining them allows you to create powerful and expressive patterns for various tasks.

Special Sequences 

In Python RegEx, special sequences are patterns that represent specific sets of characters or positions in the input string.

Special Sequence Description Example
\d Matches any digit (equivalent to [0-9]) \d{3} matches '123' in 'abc123xyz'
\D Matches any non-digit character (equivalent to [^0-9]) \D+ matches 'abc' in 'abc123xyz'
\w Matches any word character (alphanumeric character plus underscore, equivalent to [a-zA-Z0-9_]) \w+ matches 'word' in 'hello_word'
\W Matches any non-word character (equivalent to [^a-zA-Z0-9_]) \W matches '@' in ''
\b Matches a word boundary \bword\b matches 'word' as a whole word
\B Matches a non-word boundary \Bing\B matches 'ing' in 'singing'
\s Matches any whitespace character (equivalent to [\t\n\r\f\v]) \s+ matches spaces in 'hello world'
\S Matches any non-whitespace character \S+ matches 'hello' in 'hello world'
^ Anchors the match at the beginning of the string ^start matches 'start' at the beginning of 'start and end'
$ Anchors the match at the end of the string end$ matches 'end' at the end of 'start and end'
. Matches any character except a newline h.t matches 'hat' in 'hot hat'
[...] A character class that matches any one of the enclosed characters [aeiou] matches any vowel in 'hello'
[^...] A negated character class that matches any character not enclosed [^aeiou] matches any consonant in 'hello'
(?i) Enables case-insensitive matching (?i)hello matches 'hello', 'Hello', 'HELLO', etc.
(?m) Enables multiline matching, where ^ and $ match the start/end of each line ^line matches 'line' at the start of each line
(?s) Enables dot-all mode, where . matches any character, including newline .* matches any character including newline in 'multi-line text'
(?x) Enables verbose mode, allowing you to include whitespace and comments in the pattern (?x) \d{3} # Matches three digits

These are just a selection of special sequences available in Python RegEx. Depending on your specific requirements, you may encounter other special sequences or modifiers that provide additional functionality.

RegEx Functions in Python

 Regular expressions (RegEx) are a powerful tool for pattern matching and text manipulation in Python, facilitated by the re module. Below is a brief overview of commonly used RegEx functions in Python:

Function Description, string) Searches the string for a match to the pattern.
re.match(pattern, string) Determines if the beginning of the string matches the pattern.
re.findall(pattern, string) Finds all occurrences of the pattern in the string.
re.sub(pattern, replacement, string) Replaces occurrences of the pattern with the specified replacement.
re.compile(pattern) Compiles a regular expression pattern into a regex object for efficient matching.

Let's discuss each of the Functions in Python regular expressions in more detail:

1,, string)

The function in Python  module is used to search for a specified pattern within a given string. It scans the entire input string and returns a match object if the pattern is found, otherwise it returns . Here's a brief overview of its usage:

import re
# Define a pattern
pattern = r'world'
# Text to search
text = "Hello world! Welcome to the world of Python."
# Search for the pattern in the text
match =, text)
if match:
    print("Pattern found at index:", match.start())
    print("Pattern not found")

When you run this code with the provided sample text, it will output:

Pattern found at index: 6

In this example, the pattern is searched within the text "Hello world! Welcome to the world of Python." The function finds the first occurrence of the pattern in the text. The method of the match object returns the index where the pattern is found in the text.

Remember that returns only the first match found in the string. If you need to find all matches, you can use function instead.

2. re.match(pattern, string)

The function in Python  module is used to determine if the pattern matches at the beginning of the string. It checks whether the specified pattern occurs at the start of the given string. Here's a brief overview of its usage:

import re
# Define a pattern
pattern = r'Hello'
# Text to check
text = "Hello, World! Welcome to Python."
# Check if the pattern matches at the beginning of the text
match = re.match(pattern, text)
if match:
    print("Pattern found at the beginning.")
    print("Pattern not found at the beginning.")

When you run this code with the provided sample text, it will output:

Pattern found at the beginning.

In this example, the pattern is checked at the beginning of the text "Hello, World! Welcome to Python." The function determines if the pattern matches at the start of the text. If the pattern is found at the beginning, it returns a match object; otherwise, it returns .

It's important to note that checks for a match only at the beginning of the string. If you need to find the pattern anywhere in the string, you should use instead.

3. re.findall(pattern, string)

The function in Python  module is used to find all occurrences of a specified pattern in a given string. It returns a list containing all non-overlapping matches as strings. Here's a brief overview of its usage:

import re
# Define a pattern
pattern = r'\d+'
# Text to search
text = "There are 25 apples and 30 oranges."
# Find all occurrences of the pattern in the text
matches = re.findall(pattern, text)
print("Matches:", matches)

When you run this code with the provided sample text, it will output:

Matches: ['25', '30']

In this example, the pattern is used to find one or more digits in the text. The function returns a list containing all occurrences of the pattern in the text. The resulting list, , contains the strings '25' and '30', which represent the occurrences of one or more digits in the text.

It's important to choose the appropriate pattern for your specific matching requirements, and regular expressions provide a powerful way to express complex patterns for text searching.

4. re.sub(pattern, replacement, string)

The function in Python  module is used to replace occurrences of a specified pattern in a given string with a replacement string. It returns a new string where all non-overlapping occurrences of the pattern are replaced. Here's a brief overview of its usage:

import re
# Define a pattern
pattern = r'\d+'
# Text to modify
text = "There are 25 apples and 30 oranges."
# Replace all occurrences of digits with "X"
modified_text = re.sub(pattern, 'X', text)
print("Modified Text:", modified_text)

When you run this code with the provided sample text, it will output:

Modified Text: There are X apples and X oranges.

In this example, the pattern is used to match one or more digits in the text. The function replaces all occurrences of the pattern with the specified replacement string, 'X'. The resulting is a new string where digits in the original text are replaced with "X".

This function is useful for modifying strings by replacing specific patterns with desired values.

5. re.compile(pattern)

The function in Python  module is used to compile a regular expression pattern into a regular expression object. This compiled object can then be used for efficient matching operations. Here's a brief overview of its usage:

import re
# Define a pattern
pattern = r'\d+'
# Compile the pattern into a regex object
regex_object = re.compile(pattern)
# Text to search
text = "There are 25 apples and 30 oranges."
# Use the compiled regex object to search for the pattern
match =
if match:
    print("Pattern found at index:", match.start())
    print("Pattern not found")

When you run this code with the provided sample text, it will output:

Pattern found at index: 10

In this example, the pattern is compiled into a regex object using . The compiled regex object is then used with the method to find the first occurrence of the pattern in the text. Using a compiled regex object can be more efficient, especially if the same pattern is used for multiple searches.

Compiling the regular expression pattern is beneficial when you intend to use the same pattern multiple times in your code. It can improve performance by avoiding the recompilation of the pattern for each search operation.


In Python RegEx, sets are used to match a single character from a specified set of characters. Here are some common sets in Python regular expressions:

Set Description Example
[aeiou] Matches any single vowel character [aeiou] matches 'e' in 'hello'
[^aeiou] Matches any single character that is not a vowel [^aeiou] matches 'h' in 'hello'
[0-9] Matches any single digit [0-9] matches '3' in 'abc123'
[a-zA-Z] Matches any single uppercase or lowercase letter [a-zA-Z] matches 'H' in 'Hello'
[0-9a-fA-F] Matches any single hexadecimal digit [0-9a-fA-F] matches 'A' in '0xA1'
[a-zA-Z0-9] Matches any single alphanumeric character [a-zA-Z0-9] matches '2' in 'word2'
[^a-zA-Z0-9] Matches any single non-alphanumeric character [^a-zA-Z0-9] matches '@' in ''
[\s] Matches any single whitespace character [\s] matches ' ' in 'Hello World'
[^\s] Matches any single non-whitespace character [^\s] matches 'H' in 'Hello World'

These sets are used in RegEx to define patterns for matching specific types of characters. Adjust the sets based on your specific matching requirements.

Match Object

In Python regular expressions, when you perform a search or match using the re module, it returns a match object if a match is found. The match object contains information about the match and provides various methods and attributes for working with the matched content. 

The match object provides several methods that allow you to work with the matched content. Here are some common match object methods:

1. group([group1, ...])

The method in Python regular expressions is used with the match object to retrieve the matched content or specific subgroups of the match. It returns one or more subgroups of the match. If no arguments are provided, it returns the entire match. If one or more arguments are provided, it returns the specified subgroup(s) of the match.

Here's how the method works:

import re
# Example regular expression pattern with subgroups
pattern = re.compile(r'(\d+)-(\d+)')
match ='10-20')
# Returns entire match
entire_match =
print("Entire Match:", entire_match)  # Output: 10-20
# Returns first subgroup
first_group =
print("First Group:", first_group)  # Output: 10
# Returns second subgroup
second_group =
print("Second Group:", second_group)  # Output: 20

In this example, the regular expression pattern has two subgroups enclosed in parentheses. The function finds the first match in the given text, and the method is then used to retrieve the entire match and specific subgroups.

Adjust the arguments of the method based on the number of subgroups in your regular expression pattern and the specific information you want to retrieve from the match.

2. start([group]) and end([group])

The and methods in Python regular expressions are used with the match object to retrieve the starting and ending indices of the match or specified group within the matched string.

Here's how these methods work:

import re
# Example regular expression pattern
pattern = re.compile(r'world')
match ='hello world')
# Returns the starting index of the match
start_index = match.start()
print("Start Index:", start_index)  # Output: 6
# Returns the ending index of the match
end_index = match.end()
print("End Index:", end_index)  # Output: 11

In this example, the regular expression pattern is searched within the string . The method returns the starting index of the match , and the method returns the ending index of the match .

You can also specify a group number as an argument to these methods to retrieve the starting and ending indices of a specific subgroup within the match. If no argument is provided, it returns the indices of the entire match. Adjust the group number as needed based on the groups defined in your regular expression pattern.

3. span([group])

The method in Python RegEx is used with the match object to retrieve a tuple containing the (start, end) indices of the entire match or specified group within the matched string.

Here's how the method works:

import re
# Example regular expression pattern
pattern = re.compile(r'world')
match ='hello world')
# Returns a tuple containing the (start, end) indices of the match
span_indices = match.span()
print("Span Indices:", span_indices)  # Output: (6, 11)

In this example, the regular expression pattern is searched within the string . The method returns a tuple containing the starting index and the ending index of the match.

You can also specify a group number as an argument to the method to retrieve the (start, end) indices of a specific subgroup within the match. If no argument is provided, it returns the indices of the entire match. Adjust the group number as needed based on the groups defined in your regular expression pattern.


Mastering Python RegEx is an invaluable skill for efficient text processing. This guide equips you with the knowledge to navigate the intricacies of RegEx, enhancing your ability to manipulate and analyze textual data in Python. Practice and experiment with different patterns to solidify your understanding.