Chocolatey download and installation tutorial for Windows 10

Here, we have discussed tutorial for download and install Chocolatey on Windows PC. Chocolatey is a software management solution which used to manage

Choclatey download and installing on Windows PC is quite very simple task but still some people don't know how to install Chocolatey. If you also don't know how to install Chocolatey, then you stay connected with this article because today we will guide you step by step, with which you will be able to download and install Chocolatey on your windows but before that let's take a overview of chocolatey.

Chocolatey download and installation tutorial for Windows 10

What is chocolatey?

Chocolatey is a software management solution which used to manage windows packages. Chocolatey is an open source software which is developed by Rob Reynolds in the year 2011. Chocolatey provides a better way to manage windows software. With the help of Chocolatey, installation of windows application becomes more simple and easy and you don't have to click on several installation windows. Chocolatey is based on a developer-centric package manager which is known as NuGet. Chocolatey is maintained by the community members of project. 

Requirements for chocolatey

- Windows 7 and all later windows.

- PowerShell v2+

- .NET framework 4+

Now, let's discuss how to download and install chocolatey on Windows operating system.

How to download and install chocolatey on Windows PC

Here, we will learn step by step guide to download and install Chocolatey on Windows operating systems;

1. To download chocolatey on Windows 10 - go to windows menu and search for "Windows Powershell". Now right click on windows Powershell run it as administrator.

Chocolatey download and installation tutorial for Windows 10

2. Now we have to run the below command on powershell;


Chocolatey download and installation tutorial for Windows 10

- After running this command, if restricted output comes in it then you have to run the command given below;

Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned

Chocolatey download and installation tutorial for Windows 10

- After running this command, you will get the message to change the execution policy - just type A and press "Enter".

3. It's time to install chocolatey by using Windows Powershell. For that, just copy the following code and run it on Windows Powershell.

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

Now wait for a while till the processing is completed on powershell. If there is no error, then it means Chocolatey has been installed on your Windows.

Chocolatey download and installation tutorial for Windows 10

4. Let's see if Chocolatey is successfully installed on Windows or not- for this, just type the following command on Powershell and press "Enter".


If chocolatey has been successfully downloaded on your Windows PC then you will able to see its version.

Chocolatey download and installation tutorial for Windows 10


Above we have discussed tutorial for download and install Chocolatey on Windows PC. Chocolatey is a software management solution which used to manage windows packages. Chocolatey is an open source software which is developed by Rob Reynolds in the year 2011. Chocolatey provides a better way to manage windows software. With the help of Chocolatey, installation of windows application becomes more simple and easy and you don't have to click on several installation windows. By following above mentioned steps anyone can easily download and install Chocolatey on Windows operating system. I hope this information is helpful to you all.