How to Add Adsense in Blogger posts

New bloggers work very hard to setup their blog and also for the approval from adsense, but still does not know how to add Adsense in blogger post?
Today we will discuss about " How to Add Adsense in Blogger posts.
How to Add Adsense in Blogger posts
New bloggers work very hard to setup their blog and also for the approval from adsense, but still does not know how to add Adsense in blogger post? and how to apply for an Adsense account?. So, In this article you will learn how to create Adsense account and how to add Adsense in blogger post.  

What is adsense?

Adsense is an advertising program of google.This is a simple and free platform through which we earn money by showing Ads on our blogger site with our online content. It works on the cpc algorithm and pay $0.5 to $3 in every 1000 visitors.And we can easily transfer money earned from AdSense to our bank account, for this you only have to provide your bank account details in your Adsense account.

How to create an Adsense account?

It is very easy to add Adsense to Blogger, it only requires your Adsense account. So, first of all lets learn how to create an AdSense account.

1. Open official website of Google Adsense then Click on "Get started"
2. Add Email and blog URL then click on "Save and Continue".

How to Add Adsense in Blogger posts
3.  Now you have to verify your Blogger site Ownership. You just have Copy that script code which was obtained after signing up in Adsense. Open a new tab then go to blogger dashboard then Themes > Edit HTML & paste this code after <Head> Section. 
How to Add Adsense in Blogger posts

4. Now Click to Save Html. After that back to previous " Adsense" tab click to Verify. Huraahhhhh!! Its almost done. Adsense will Crawl your blog site. It will take 1-2 weeks to Fully setup for your blog.
How to Add Adsense in Blogger posts
After getting AdSense approval There are two ways to add Adsense in blogger posts.
Let's discuss these ways step-by-step.

Automatic way to add adsense in blogger post

We can easily show adsense ads in our blogger post, all we have to do is 
• Go to the blogger's layout section, then
• Tap on the blog post Section > Click on " Show ads between posts
How to Add Adsense in Blogger posts
In this section we can customize Adsense ads according to own and can easily change 
Ads layout, size and color. Now we will discuss about second method to add adsense in blogger post.

Manual way to add Adsense in blogger post

This method can be slightly complex and can take a little time.There are two manual ways to add adsense in blogger post But before that you have to go to adsense website and create ad units. It's can be done in very simple way which is as follow:
After creating ads unit copy their script code.

By adding Ads unit code manually in gadget section

 • Now come in Blogger dashboard.
• Go to Layout > Add a gadget > Html or JavaScript.
How to Add Adsense in Blogger posts
• Paste ads unit code here and click to save. Its done!!

By adding Ads unit code manually in blog post

• Simply, Go to Blogger > Posts 
• Click on any post where you want to show ads then click on "View as Html".
How to Add Adsense in Blogger posts
• Paste code after close </div> then save the post.


Above we have discussed that how to Add Adsense in blogger posts to earn money online. By following above mentioned steps you can easily create your AdSense account and with the help of this account you can show ads to your blogger posts and generate revenue from adsense.