What is backlink? How to get good quality backlinks

It is very easy to get backlinks but at same it is difficult to get good quality backlinks.let's learn how to get good quality backlinks.

At the present time you cannot make a place on the internet without knowledge of search engine optimization (SEO). Backlink is one of the crucial aspect of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

How to get good quality backlinks

Backlink is the most used term in the world of blogging. If you are a new blogger and want to get ranking in Google, then it is very important for you to know about backlinks.

There are many new bloggers who have heard about backlinks, but they do not know the meaning of backlinks. Through this article, all your queries related to backlinks will get solved. Let's discuss about Backlinks and how to get good quality backlinks.

What is Backlink?

Backlinks are links from refer website to referent website which are also known as inbound links. Backlinks are very essentials for SEO. 

If someone links their website to your website then, you will get a backlink from them. And If you link your website to other website then,  your backlinks will go to them.To rank in all search engines including Google, it is mandatory to have more backlinks.

There are many webmasters who practice major matrices for backlinks so that they can easily rank on the webpage.

How does backlink works?

Backlinks plays an important role in ranking of your website on google, But now you must be wondering how backlink works and how it helps in ranking of your website.

Let's start with an example ;
Suppose XYZ and ABC are both bloggers in which XYZ's blog has more domain authority than Abc's blog. Now Abc decides that it will take a backlink from XYZ. XYZ writes a post in his blog and puts a link of ABC's blog and submit it on google search console. When google crawl his blog, he will also crawl ABC's link - and due to which the authority of ABC's blog also increases.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Backlinks in Search engine optimization

If you are thinking about getting Backlinks, then before that you should know the pros and cons of backlinks.There was a time when low quality backlinks also used to rank websites, but over time Google also keeps changing its algorithm.  But the case has changed now Google only gives rankings on backlinks of good quality - So it is important that you should take good quality backlinks.

Advantages of Backlinks

1. Higher organic Ranking

Backlinks help to rank website organically on search engine If the content of your website is backlinked with the content of another high domain authority website, then your content will also rank on the search engine along with their content. Any webmaster can rank their website with the help of backlinks and they can also bring organic traffic to your blog. It also helps to drive referral audience to your website.

2. Easy Crawl and Indexing

If your website is new and the website does not have a backlink, then Google bot may have some difficulty in discovering and indexing your page. Sometimes the crawler of google comes on the website but they are unable to index  pages of your Website. With backlink google bots can easily discover and index your website - So Backlinks plays a very important role to get your website indexed.

3. Increased Domain authority

The biggest advantage of backlinks is that it helps to increase the domain authority of website.  Now you must be thinking what is a domain authority? - The domain authority or DA term is invented by MOZ.  It is a web matrix based on the rating of any website. It starts with 1 and ends at 100 where 1 denote low rating and 100 denote high rating. If the domain authoriy of your website is high, then Google will also give you high authority.

Disadvantages of Backlinks

1. Google penalty

The biggest Disadvantages of backlinks is that if your website has more low-quality links and your website's spam score has increased, then you can get penalty from Google. And its direct effect will be on the SEO of your website and your ranking will be down. Whenever you are doing link building, always take backlinks in natural way and the website with which you are linking inbound should also be on the same niche.

2. More costly

Whenever you ask backlink from high domain authority website, the website administrator can charge you from its minimum 5 $ to 500 $. which can be a little costly for you.

How to get good quality backlinks?

It is very easy to get backlinks but at same it is difficult to get good quality backlinks. But don't worry, I will tell you some easy ways about "how you can get good quality backlinks" which are as follows ;


Guest post is the best way through which you can get dofollow backlinks, for that you only have to find such website in which you can post as guest. After that you have to write a good post and submit it to them, then the administrator will inspect your post, if the post is related to the niche, they will give you the approval and your backlink will also publish with that post.

2. Social Media

it is very easy to get backlink from social media platforms Only you need to have an account in it, where you get the option of "add website" in which you can paste the url of your website and take backlinks. Many webmasters also use social media to build backlinks. There are many such platforms are available in the internet, in which you can easily insert your website link and gain good quality of backlinks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, VK etc.

3. Web directories

Submitting your website url in web directory is very simple process in which you have to submit meta description, category and url along with the title of your website. It is a long and time taking process. It will take about 3-4 weeks to get dofollow backlinks. Many websites will be found on the internet in which you can submit the website in directories for free or by paying some money such as Submitexpress, free web Submission, Add me etc.

4. Comment on other blogs

It is very easy to create this backlink simply you just have to type a comment. The link to your website has to be added to the attribution and the comment has to be published in another blog, this process gives you backlink, but in most of the cases this backlink is in no follow attribution which would have brought referral traffic but Google is unable to crawl that link due to no follow tag.

5. Broken link building

with changing time web is getting evolved in which several websites are getting change, move and deleted. the links to pages which are no longer exist are known as broken links. And everyone hates broken link because they result as contribution to poor user experience. But this still exist because it takes a lot of time and efforts to constantly get rid of broken links from your site. But you can take advantage of this with a simple strategy. You just have to find broken links then you have to recreate the dead content and after that you have to ask the people who are linking that content to link your recreated version.

FAQ of Backlinks

What is link juice?

Link juice is term of SEO which means when you get a dofollow backlink from  any website and that link shows some value, that value is known as link juice. Link juice is also used for increasing domain authority of website and No-follow attribution is used for preventing entry of link juice.

What is No-follow backlink?

No-follow backlink"How to get good quality backlinks"
No-follow are those links whose are with no follow attribution. They are used for preventing entry of link juice. If you use this in your blog, then Google cannot crawl this link.

What is Do-follow backlink?

Do-follow backlink"How to get good quality backlinks"
Do-follow backlinks are those links where link juice is passed. By default, whatever links you put in your blog are called dofollow links.


Above we have discussed about what is backlink, its features, advantages, disadvantages, how it works and how to get good quality backlinks. From above mention points it becomes clear that one can easily get traffic with the help of good backlinks. I hope from this content you will have learnt about how to get good backlinks.