How to submit Blogger website in Google News Publisher

simple steps about how to submit your blogger website in google news publisher centre and get more traffic from google news. It is easy to add article
Whenever we search something on the Internet, trending articles come first in the result page. After all, why and how does this happen, and can we also show our articles as trending in result page?
How to submit Blogger website in Google News Publisher

So the answer is yes, If you are a blogger and traffic is low in your blogger site, then Google News Publisher will be the best option for you.It is best way to earn and generate good traffic for your blogger website. No matter what your niche is, you can easily set up your website in Google News Publisher. 

Today we will learn how to submit your blogger site in Google News Publisher but before starting let's discuss about google news publisher.

What is google news?

Google News is a news aggregator or news platform through which we can easily publish our articles, blogs and posts. Google news was launched in 2002 by Google. The idea of Google news was given by Krishna Bhagat. Google News is available in many languages ​​including English, Chinese Hindi, English, Tamil, Marathi, Gujarati and so on..

You must be thinking that is there any need to Submit your blogger website in google news?

Yes, let's discuss pros of google news Publisher.

• gaining more traffic 

google news shows our blog on trending through which we can easily generate good traffic.

• monetize on news feeds

We can easily monetise our news articles if we have Google Adsense account.

• good affect on ranking

Posting articles in google news will increase the authority of your website, which can also become a good reason to rank your website on google.

How to submit blogger website in google news publisher centre?

By following simple steps you will easily add blogger website in google news

 Step #1 Add Publication 

How to submit Blogger website in Google News Publisher

• Go to publisher centre > click on add publication

• add your publication name such as (your website name) then add your Blogger Website URL, after that choose your location and click on "Add publication".

Now! You have to fill additional information like ; Additional website url and Email adress then go to next.

Step #2 Add publication logo

How to submit Blogger website in Google News Publisher

Now you have to add your blogger website logo which is Sqare shape and wide logo.

• Sqaure logo image guide

- Image should be in JPEG and PNG format

- Image Pixl should be 1000px by 1000px

- Image should be in good quality.

• Wide logo image guide

- Image ratio should not be more than 10:1

- Image should be 400 px wide

 After follow these instructions upload your publisher image 

• Choose your Fav. Font type ( only recommend "ARIAL" Font ) - and save it.

 Step #3 Apply custom settings

Go to Google news publisher setting.

• Add your publication description ( your website meta description)

• Choose your publication catagory - select it according to your blogger niche.

• go to distribution section and select " World wide " then allow specific properties 

then add your Google tracking ID and save it

Step #4 Add feed url 

How to submit Blogger website in Google News Publisher

Click on Content Settings tab

• go to sections > click on new sections > then feed.

- paste your feed address in these section and choose "Anyone" in access tab then save it.

• Now you have to add access groups 

Click on "add access group" and add your email adress. 

Step #5 Publish your website on Google news app publishing

How to submit Blogger website in Google News Publisher

 Click on Review and publish tab

• It will take some time to review your blog posts.

•After some time preview of feed will shown in right side. 

• Click on Publish.

  All Done!!

 You have to wait few days while google news will review your blog. If your blog satisfies the guidelines of google news, then you will get approval and after that you can easily show your blogs posts in google news.


The Google launched snippet feature in which the main content of your topic is shown in the result page without opening the site which reduces the traffic rate of your blog. But if you submit your blog in Google News Publisher, then the chance to get traffic increases.

Above we have discussed simple steps about how to submit your blogger website in google news publisher centre and get more traffic from google news. It is easy to add articles in google news publisher, but to get approval, your content should follow the guidelines of Google. I hope you have understood the steps to submit blogger website in Google News Publisher.