Learn about PostgreSQL SERIAL data type: how it automatically creates unique integer values for primary keys, how to define columns as SERIAL...

PostgreSQL, a powerful open-source relational database management system, offers a variety of features to manage data effectively. One such feature is PostgreSQL SERIAL, which provides a convenient way to create auto-incrementing columns in database tables. 


In this article, we'll explore what PostgreSQL SERIAL is, how it works, its advantages, limitations, and best practices for using it effectively.

Introduction to PostgreSQL SERIAL

SERIAL is a pseudo data type in PostgreSQL used to generate unique identifiers for rows automatically. It's commonly used for creating primary key columns, ensuring each row in a table has a unique identifier. When a column is defined as SERIAL, PostgreSQL automatically generates a sequence object and sets it as the default value for the column.


CREATE TABLE table_name(
    id SERIAL

The PostgreSQL command CREATE TABLE table_name(id SERIAL); creates a table named table_name with a single column id defined as SERIAL, automatically generating unique integer values for each row inserted.

The SERIAL data type is a shorthand or alias for creating auto-incrementing integer columns. When you define a column as SERIAL, PostgreSQL automatically creates a sequence object and sets it as the default value for the column. However, there are variations or types of SERIAL in PostgreSQL, which are essentially different flavors of auto-incrementing columns. Here are the types of SERIAL in PostgreSQL:

  1. SERIAL: This is the basic type of SERIAL in PostgreSQL. It creates an auto-incrementing integer column starting from 1 and incrementing by 1 for each new row.
  2. BIGSERIAL: Similar to SERIAL, but it uses a bigint data type for the auto-incrementing column. This allows for larger ranges of integer values, suitable for tables with a very large number of rows.
  3. SMALLSERIAL: This is a variation of SERIAL that uses a smallint data type for the auto-incrementing column. It's useful for tables with a smaller number of rows or where storage space needs to be optimized.

As we already discussed, the SERIAL pseudo-types (including SMALLSERIAL, SERIAL, and BIGSERIAL) are used to create automatically incrementing integer columns, typically used for generating unique identifier values for primary keys in tables. Here are the characteristics of each:

Type Storage Size Minimum Value Maximum Value
SERIAL 4 bytes 1 2,147,483,647
BIGSERIAL 8 bytes 1 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
SMALLSERIAL 2 bytes 1 32,767

How PostgreSQL SERIAL Works?

When you define a column as SERIAL in PostgreSQL, it automatically creates a sequence object and associates it with that column. This sequence generates unique integer values starting from 1 and increments by 1 for each new row inserted into the table. The GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY constraint is another way to define a SERIAL column, and it essentially achieves the same functionality.

-- Creating the table with a SERIAL column
CREATE TABLE example_table (
    name VARCHAR(50)

-- Inserting sample data
INSERT INTO example_table (name) VALUES ('John'), ('Alice'), ('Bob');

-- Querying the table to see the inserted data
SELECT * FROM example_table;


 id | name 
  1 | John
  2 | Alice
  3 | Bob
(3 rows)

In the example provided, the example_table is created with an id column defined as SERIAL, which also serves as the primary key. PostgreSQL handles the creation of the sequence object and sets it as the default value for the id column, ensuring that each new row inserted will automatically get a unique identifier.

Advantages of SERIAL

  1. Simplicity: SERIAL simplifies the process of generating unique identifiers for rows, eliminating the need for manual intervention.
  2. Efficiency: The auto-incrementing nature of SERIAL ensures that each new row inserted into the table gets a unique identifier without the need for additional queries or calculations.
  3. Concurrency: SERIAL operations are designed to handle concurrent inserts efficiently, ensuring that each transaction receives a unique identifier even in high-concurrency environments.

Limitations and Considerations

  1. Gapless Sequences: SERIAL does not guarantee gapless sequences, meaning there may be breaks in the sequence of generated values, especially in scenarios involving rollbacks or failed transactions.
  2. Performance Impact: In extremely high-concurrency environments, the performance of SERIAL sequences may become a bottleneck, leading to contention and reduced throughput.
  3. Limited Control: While SERIAL provides automatic generation of unique identifiers, it offers limited control over the sequence values, such as resetting or customizing the starting value.

Best Practices

  1. Use as Primary Key: SERIAL is commonly used as the primary key for tables where each row needs a unique identifier.
  2. Monitor Sequence Usage: Regularly monitor sequence usage and consider adjusting sequence parameters or using alternative methods if gaps or performance issues become significant.
  3. Consider Alternatives: In scenarios where gapless sequences or custom sequence behavior is required, consider alternatives such as UUIDs or manually managed sequences.


PostgreSQL SERIAL provides a convenient mechanism for generating auto-incrementing unique identifiers in database tables. While it offers simplicity and efficiency, it's essential to be aware of its limitations and best practices to use it effectively in various scenarios. By understanding how SERIAL works and considering its advantages and considerations, developers can leverage this feature to manage data effectively in PostgreSQL databases.