PostgreSQL Transaction

PostgreSQL transactions are a cornerstone of reliable and consistent database systems. By adhering to the ACID properties and following best...

In the realm of relational databases, PostgreSQL stands out as a robust and feature-rich option. One of its fundamental features, transactions, plays a crucial role in ensuring data integrity and consistency. Understanding how PostgreSQL handles transactions is essential for developers and database administrators alike. 

PostgreSQL Transactions

In this article, we will delve into PostgreSQL transaction, exploring their importance, mechanisms, best practices, and how they contribute to building reliable and scalable database systems.

What Are Transactions?

Transactions in PostgreSQL represent a sequence of operations performed as a single logical unit of work. They allow developers to group multiple database operations into a single transaction block, ensuring that either all operations succeed or none at all. This atomicity property is vital for maintaining data consistency, especially in multi-user environments where concurrent access to the database is common.

ACID Properties

PostgreSQL transactions adhere to the ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties, which are the cornerstone of reliable database systems:

  1. Atomicity: Transactions are atomic, meaning that all operations within a transaction are treated as a single unit. If any operation fails, the entire transaction is rolled back to its initial state, ensuring that the database remains consistent.
  2. Consistency: Transactions preserve the consistency of the database by transitioning it from one consistent state to another. Constraints and validations defined in the database schema help enforce data consistency within transactions.
  3. Isolation: PostgreSQL provides different levels of transaction isolation to control the visibility of data changes made by concurrent transactions. Isolation levels such as Read Uncommitted, Read Committed, Repeatable Read, and Serializable offer varying degrees of data visibility and concurrency control.
  4. Durability: Once a transaction is committed, PostgreSQL guarantees that its changes are permanently saved to the database, even in the event of a system failure. This ensures that committed transactions survive crashes and power outages, maintaining data durability.

Transaction Control Commands

Transaction control commands in PostgreSQL are used to manage transactions and ensure the Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability (ACID) properties. Here are the primary transaction control commands:


In PostgreSQL, both and are used to initiate a transaction. They have the same functionality and can be used interchangeably. When you execute either of these commands, you signal the beginning of a transaction block. Transactions are used to group one or more SQL statements into a single unit of work, ensuring that either all the statements are executed successfully or none of them are.

CREATE TABLE accounts (
    account_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    account_name VARCHAR(100),
    balance DECIMAL(10, 2)

INSERT INTO accounts (account_name, balance) VALUES
('Savings Account', 1000.00),
('Checking Account', 2000.00),
('Investment Account', 5000.00);

-- Deduct $500 from the Checking Account
UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance - 500.00 WHERE account_name = 'Checking Account';
-- Add $500 to the Savings Account
UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance + 500.00 WHERE account_name = 'Savings Account';

At this point, the changes are not committed yet. The transaction is still open, and the changes are not visible to other transactions.

To complete the transaction and make the changes permanent, you would typically issue a command. If you decide not to commit the transaction and want to discard the changes, you can simply end the session without issuing a , and the changes will be automatically rolled back when the session ends. However, this is not recommended in a production environment as it can lead to data inconsistencies and potential loss of data integrity.


The PostgreSQL command is used to permanently apply the changes made within a transaction to the database. Once committed, the changes become visible to other transactions. This command is typically used to finalize a transaction after successfully completing all the required operations. It ensures that the modifications made within the transaction are saved permanently and are not rolled back.

-- Table Creation
CREATE TABLE accounts (
    account_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    account_name VARCHAR(100),
    balance DECIMAL(10, 2)

-- Data Insertion
INSERT INTO accounts (account_name, balance) VALUES
('Savings Account', 1000.00),
('Checking Account', 2000.00),
('Investment Account', 5000.00);

-- Transaction Begin and Updates
UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance - 500.00 WHERE account_name = 'Checking Account';
UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance + 500.00 WHERE account_name = 'Savings Account';

-- Commit the Transaction to Make Changes Permanent

-- Select and Display the Current State of the accounts table
SELECT * FROM accounts;

Assuming the initial balances were:

| account_id |  account_name     | balance|
|      1     | Savings Account   | 1000.00|
|      2     | Checking Account  | 2000.00|
|      3     | Investment Account| 5000.00|

After the provided transaction and , the expected output would be:

| account_id |  account_name     | balance|
|      1     | Savings Account   | 1500.00|  -- Updated balance after +500
|      2     | Checking Account  | 1500.00|  -- Updated balance after -500
|      3     | Investment Account| 5000.00|

This assumes that the transaction was committed successfully. If there were any issues or if you rolled back the transaction, the data would remain unchanged.


The PostgreSQL command is employed to revert the changes made during a transaction, discarding any modifications. It is commonly used in response to errors or to cancel the alterations made within the transaction, effectively returning the database to its state before the transaction began.

-- Table Creation
CREATE TABLE accounts (
    account_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    account_name VARCHAR(100),
    balance DECIMAL(10, 2)

-- Data Insertion
INSERT INTO accounts (account_name, balance) VALUES
('Savings Account', 1000.00),
('Checking Account', 2000.00),
('Investment Account', 5000.00);

-- Transaction Begin and Updates
UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance - 500.00 WHERE account_name = 'Checking Account';
UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance + 500.00 WHERE account_name = 'Savings Account';

-- Rollback the Transaction

-- Select and Display the Current State of the accounts table
SELECT * FROM accounts;

This will produce a result set like the following:

| account_id |  account_name    | balance|
|      1     | Savings Account  | 1000.00|
|      2     | Checking Account | 2000.00|
|      3     | Investment Account| 5000.00|

The balances remain unchanged as the transaction is rolled back, reverting any modifications made within the transaction.


The PostgreSQL  is a point within a transaction to which you can later roll back. It allows you to create intermediate points in your transaction and selectively undo changes made after the savepoint, without rolling back the entire transaction. This feature provides a finer level of control over transaction management.:.

-- Table Creation
CREATE TABLE accounts (
    account_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    account_name VARCHAR(100),
    balance DECIMAL(10, 2)

-- Data Insertion
INSERT INTO accounts (account_name, balance) VALUES
('Savings Account', 1000.00),
('Checking Account', 2000.00),
('Investment Account', 5000.00);

-- Transaction Begin and Updates with SAVEPOINT
UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance - 500.00 WHERE account_name = 'Checking Account';

-- Create a SAVEPOINT
SAVEPOINT my_savepoint;

UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance + 500.00 WHERE account_name = 'Savings Account';
-- Select and Display the Current State of the accounts table
SELECT * FROM accounts;

Assuming the initial balances were:

| account_id |  account_name     | balance|
|      1     | Savings Account   | 1000.00|
|      2     | Checking Account  | 2000.00|
|      3     | Investment Account| 5000.00|

After running the provided SQL code (up to the ), the expected output would be:

| account_id |  account_name     | balance|
|      1     | Savings Account   | 1000.00|
|      2     | Checking Account  | 1500.00|  -- Updated balance after -500
|      3     | Investment Account| 5000.00|

This reflects the changes made within the transaction up to the . If you later decide to commit the transaction, the changes will become permanent, or if you roll back to the , the changes will be undone.


The PostgreSQL command is used to release a savepoint in a transaction. When a savepoint is released, you indicate that you no longer need to roll back to that specific point in the transaction. It effectively makes the savepoint permanent, and you cannot roll back to it anymore.

-- Table Creation
CREATE TABLE accounts (
    account_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    account_name VARCHAR(100),
    balance DECIMAL(10, 2)

-- Data Insertion
INSERT INTO accounts (account_name, balance) VALUES
('Savings Account', 1000.00),
('Checking Account', 2000.00),
('Investment Account', 5000.00);

-- Transaction Begin and Updates with SAVEPOINT
UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance - 500.00 WHERE account_name = 'Checking Account';

-- Create a SAVEPOINT
SAVEPOINT my_savepoint;

UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance + 500.00 WHERE account_name = 'Savings Account';

-- Optionally, RELEASE the SAVEPOINT

-- Continue with the rest of the transaction
-- ...

-- Select and Display the Current State of the accounts table
SELECT * FROM accounts;

COMMIT; -- or ROLLBACK; based on the overall success or failure

Initially, the accounts table has the following data:

| account_id |  account_name     | balance|
|      1     | Savings Account   | 1000.00|
|      2     | Checking Account  | 2000.00|
|      3     | Investment Account| 5000.00|

After running the provided SQL code, including the updates within the transaction and the optional release of the savepoint, the expected output would be:

| account_id |  account_name     | balance|
|      1     | Savings Account   | 1500.00|  -- Updated balance after +500
|      2     | Checking Account  | 1500.00|  -- Updated balance after -500
|      3     | Investment Account| 5000.00|

This reflects the changes made within the transaction up to the . If you later decide to commit the transaction, the changes will become permanent, or if you roll back the transaction, the changes will be undone. The statement at the end allows you to observe the final state of the `accounts` table.


The command is used to undo the changes made in a transaction up to a specified savepoint. It allows you to selectively roll back to a specific point within a transaction, preserving changes made after that savepoint.

These commands allow developers to control the lifecycle of transactions, enabling them to ensure data integrity and recover from errors gracefully.

-- Table Creation
CREATE TABLE accounts (
    account_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    account_name VARCHAR(100),
    balance DECIMAL(10, 2)

-- Data Insertion
INSERT INTO accounts (account_name, balance) VALUES
('Savings Account', 1000.00),
('Checking Account', 2000.00),
('Investment Account', 5000.00);

-- Transaction Begin and Updates with SAVEPOINT
UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance - 500.00 WHERE account_name = 'Checking Account';

-- Create a SAVEPOINT
SAVEPOINT my_savepoint;

UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance + 500.00 WHERE account_name = 'Savings Account';

-- Optionally, ROLLBACK TO the SAVEPOINT

-- Continue with the rest of the transaction or decide to commit
-- ...

-- Select and Display the Current State of the accounts table
SELECT * FROM accounts;

-- ROLLBACK; -- Uncomment this line if you want to roll back the entire transaction

COMMIT; -- or ROLLBACK; based on the overall success or failure

Initially, the table has the following data:

| account_id |  account_name     | balance|
|      1     | Savings Account   | 1000.00|
|      2     | Checking Account  | 2000.00|
|      3     | Investment Account| 5000.00|

After running the provided SQL code, including the updates and the rollback to the savepoint, the expected output would be:

| account_id |  account_name     | balance|
|      1     | Savings Account   | 1000.00|  -- Original balance after rollback
|      2     | Checking Account  | 2000.00|  -- Original balance after rollback
|      3     | Investment Account| 5000.00|  -- Original balance after rollback

The statement undoes changes made after the savepoint, effectively rolling back the transaction to that specific point. If you uncomment the line, it would roll back the entire transaction, and if you uncomment the line, it would commit the transaction, making the changes permanent.

Best Practices for PostgreSQL Transactions

To leverage PostgreSQL transactions effectively, consider the following best practices:

  1. Keep Transactions Short and Concise: Minimize the duration of transactions to reduce contention and improve concurrency.
  2. Use Explicit Transactions: Always explicitly start and end transactions using and or commands to avoid implicit commits or rollbacks.
  3. Choose Appropriate Isolation Levels: Select the appropriate isolation level based on the specific requirements of your application to balance data consistency and concurrency.
  4. Handle Errors Gracefully: Implement error handling mechanisms within transactions to handle exceptions and failures robustly. Use savepoints to define rollback points within transactions to recover from errors efficiently.
  5. Optimize Transaction Performance: Optimize transaction performance by minimizing lock contention, reducing transaction size, and optimizing database queries and indexes.


PostgreSQL transaction are a cornerstone of reliable and consistent database systems. By adhering to the ACID properties and following best practices, developers can leverage transactions effectively to ensure data integrity, consistency, and reliability in their applications. Understanding the mechanisms and best practices surrounding PostgreSQL transactions empowers developers to build scalable and resilient database systems capable of meeting the demands of modern applications.