Elm Programming Language: history, features, applications, Why learn?

Through this article you have learnt what is Elm programming language, its history, features, applications and why should we learn ELM Lang.

Introduction to Elm Programming Language

At current time, there are numerous computer programming languages present. Today, we will discuss about one of these programming languages that is Elm programming language. In the this article, you will learn the basics of Elm programming language which includes what is Elm Programming Language, its history, features, applications and why should we learn it. So, let's start the article with the meaning of Elm programming language.
Elm Programming Language: history, features, applications, Why learn?

What is Elm Programming Language?

Elm programming language is a fully functional and domain specific programming language. Elm is a fast, robust and maintainable programming language which provides the feature of no runtime expections in practice. Elm is a programming language which runs on browser and compiles to JavaScript. Elm programming language is specifically used to design front end of Web application and the codes of Elm programming language are reusable. Elm programming language is licensed under Permissive (Revised BSD) license. Elm programming language allows programmers to use different types of typing disciplines like static, strong and inferred. Elm programming language also provides the feature of module system and along with this, Elm programming language also provides friendly error messages. The concept of developing Elm programming language was taken from many other programming languages like Haskell, OCaml, F# and Standard ML. Elm programming language is used in many areas like Graphics, gaming and single page applications. There are several companies which uses Elm programming language for their business needs like Brilliant, for-school, Mind Gym, Culture Amp, EXR, ConsenSys and NoRedInk, etc.

History of Elm Programming Language

You all must be wondering who designed Elm programming language or in which year Elm programming language was officially introduced. The history of Elm programming language includes various interesting facts. So, now let's discuss in detail about the history of Elm programming language.
Elm programming language was designed and developed by Evan Czaplicki in the year 2012. The concept of developing Elm programming language was taken from many other programming languages like Haskell, OCaml, F# and Standard ML. Elm programming language is licensed under Permissive (Revised BSD) license. The first version of Elm programming language was released on 30 March 2012 and stable version of Elm programming language which is version 0.19.7 was officially released on 21 Oct 2019.

Features of Elm Programming Language

Elm programming language provides various features to its users which makes it one of the most used programming language in today's world. So, let's briefly discuss about the main features of Elm programming language.

1. Modern programming language

Elm programming language is a modern and fast programming language which was developed in 2012.

2. Functional programming language

Elm programming language is Fully functional computer programming language.

3. Runs on browser

Elm is a programming language which runs on browser.

4. Typing disciplines

Elm programming language allows programmers to use different types of typing disciplines like static, strong and inferred.

5. Domain specific programming language

Elm programming language is adomain specific programming language.

6. Module system

Elm programming language also provides the feature of module system.

7. Friendly error messages

Elm programming language also provides friendly error messages.

8. Applications

Elm programming language is used in many areas like Graphics, gaming and single page applications.

9. Front end of Web applications

Elm programming language is specifically used to design front end of Web application.

10. Reusable codes

The codes of Elm programming language are reusable.

11. Compiled programming language

Elm programming language compiles to JavaScript Programming Language.

Applications of Elm Programming Language

We have discussed the features of Elm programming language. Now we will briefly learn the main applications of Elm programming language. So, let's start!
Elm programming language is a fully functional and domain specific programming language. Elm is a programming language which runs on browser and compiles to JavaScript. Elm programming language also provides the feature of module system and along with this, Elm programming language also provides friendly error messages. Elm programming language is specifically used to design front end of Web application and the codes of Elm programming language are reusable. Elm programming language is used in many areas like Graphics, gaming and single page applications. There are several companies which uses Elm programming language for their business needs like Brilliant, for-school, Mind Gym, Culture Amp, EXR, ConsenSys and NoRedInk, etc.

Why should we learn Elm Programming Language?

You all must be wondering why should we learn Elm programming language or what are the advantages of learning Elm programming language. So, let's briefly discuss the advantages of learning Elm Programming Language in detail.
• Elm is modern and robust computer programming language.
• Elm programming language can be easily learn by programmers.
• Elm programming language compiles to JavaScript programming language.
• Elm programming language provides the feature of module system.
• Elm programming language also provides friendly error messages.
• Elm is specially designed to develop front end of Web applications.
• Elm is a pure and fully functional computer programming language.
• Elm is domain specific programming language.


Above we have discussed the basics of Elm programming language. Through this article you have learnt what is Elm programming language, its history, features, applications and why should we learn it or what are the advantages of learning Elm programming language. Elm programming language was designed and developed by Evan Czaplicki in the year 2012. Elm programming language is a fully functional and domain specific programming language. Elm is a fast, robust and maintainable programming language which provides the feature of no runtime expections in practice. Elm is a programming language which runs on browser and compiles to JavaScript. Elm programming language is used in many areas like Graphics, gaming and single page applications. And Elm programming language also provides the feature of module system. I hope this information related to Elm programming language will be helpful to you all.