Logtalk download and installation tutorial for Windows 10

Here, we have discussed the tutorial for how to install Logtalk on Windows 10. Logtalk is an open source programming language which was developed...
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Welcome to the most interactive tutorial on Logtalk download and installation on Windows 10.

Logtalk download and installation tutorial for Windows 10

With this article we'll guide you step by step through which you will be able to download and install Logtalk on windows 10 operating machine but before performing this tutorial let's take a overview of Logtalk;

What is Logtalk?

Logtalk is an open source programming language which was developed as an extension of Prolog programming language and it uses syntax of Prolog programming language. Logtalk programming language was designed and developed by Paulo Moura in the year 1998.

Now, let's discuss how to install Logtalk on Windows operating system.

How to install Logtalk on Windows 10

Here, we will discuss step by step guide to download and install Logtalk on Windows operating system;

1. Before installing logtalk on windows machine you need to install modern Prolog compiler - so firstly download any Prolog compiler.

2. After downloading Prolog compiler, go to Logtalk download for Windows page and just click on logtalk-x.xx.x.exe file link to download Logtalk Installer file.

Logtalk download and installation tutorial for Windows 10

3. Then, click on Save button to download Logtalk exe file.

Logtalk download and installation tutorial for Windows 10

4. Now, go to Downloads folder and simply click on logtalk-x.xx.x.exe to open.

Logtalk download and installation tutorial for Windows 10

5. After doing this, a Windows warning pop-up will appear on your Windows screen - for now, just click on Run anyway to continue.

Logtalk download and installation tutorial for Windows 10

6. Now, read the license agreement carefully then choose I accept the agreement option and then click Next.

Logtalk download and installation tutorial for Windows 10

7. Then again click Next to continue.

Logtalk download and installation tutorial for Windows 10

8. Now, choose the destination location where you want to install Logtalk - browse the location or go with system by default location path then click on Next button to continue.

Logtalk download and installation tutorial for Windows 10

9. Then, select the destination path for Logtalk files then click Next.

Logtalk download and installation tutorial for Windows 10

10. After giving path for Logtalk files, choose the components that you want to install with Logtalk then click on Next to continue.

Logtalk download and installation tutorial for Windows 10

11. Then, select the additional task then click Next.

Logtalk download and installation tutorial for Windows 10

12. Setup is now ready to begin installing Logtalk on your Windows pc, just click on Install to begin installation process. 

Logtalk download and installation tutorial for Windows 10

13. Hurrah!! Logtalk is successfully installed on your Windows pc, to close this setup just click Finish button.

Logtalk download and installation tutorial for Windows 10


Above we have discussed the tutorial for how to install Logtalk on Windows 10. Logtalk is an open source programming language which was developed as an extension of Prolog programming language and it uses syntax of Prolog programming language. Logtalk programming language was designed and developed by Paulo Moura in the year 1998. By following above mentioned steps anyone can easily download and install Logtalk on Windows operating system.