Python byte() Function with Examples

By using the byte() built-in python function, we can convert the collection of integers or strings into immutable byte sequence. In simple terms, ....

In this article we will discuss about the byte() function in python programming language with the help of examples.

Python byte() function

Python byte() function

By using the built-in python function, we can convert the collection of integers or strings into immutable byte sequence. In simple terms, the python byte() method is used to return an object byte of specified size and data and is immutable in the range [0 <= x < 256]


bytes([source[, encoding[, errors]]])

Parameter of Python byte() function

Python byte() function takes three types of optional parameter which are as follows;

source- A source in order to initialize the array of bytes.

encoding- If the source is string, then for the encoding of the string.

error- If the encoding fails it takes action.

Return value of Python byte() function 

The python method is used to return an object byte of specified size and data and is immutable in the range [0 <= x < 256]

Example 1: How to convert string to bytes

str1 = "Python is Programming Language."

# string with encoding 'utf-8'

array = bytes(str1, 'utf-8')



b'Python is Programming Language.'

Example 2: How to create a byte of given integer size

num = 7

array = bytes(num)




Example 3: How to convert iterable list to bytes

li = [11, 12, 13, 14, 15]

array = bytes(li)


