Python enumerate() Function with Examples

The enumerate() built-in python function is used to return an enumerate object by adding counter to the iterable objects. Simply, to keep a count....

In this tutorial, we will discuss about the enumerate() function in python programming language with the help of examples.

Python enumerate() function

Python enumerate() function

The built-in python function is used to return an enumerate object by adding counter to the iterable objects. Simply, to keep a count of iterations, method is used. By using the list() and tuple() functions we can convert the enumerate object into list and tuple. The enumerating objects can also be used for loops directly.


enumerate(iterable, start=0)

Parameters of enumerate() function in python

The function in python takes two arguments or parameters i.e., 

- any object or sequence which supports iteration.

- value from which the counting starts. is the default value.

Return value of Python enumerate() function 

The python function is used to return an enumerate object by adding counter to the iterable objects. 

By using the list() and tuple() functions we can convert the enumerate object into list and tuple.

Example 1: How Python enumerate() function works?

lang = ['Python', 'Java', 'Swift']

pro_lang = enumerate(lang)



pro_lang = enumerate(lang, 10)



<class 'enumerate'>

[(0, 'Python'), (1, 'Java'), (2, 'Swift')]

[(10, 'Python'), (11, 'Java'), (12, 'Swift')]

Example 2: Looping Over an Enumerate object

lang = ['Python', 'Java', 'Swift']

for program in enumerate(lang):



for count, program in enumerate(lang):

  print(count, program)


# changing default start value

for count, program in enumerate(lang, 100):

  print(count, program)


(0, 'Python')

(1, 'Java')

(2, 'Swift')

0 Python

1 Java

2 Swift

100 Python

101 Java

102 Swift